Heyy Yo.
watit0 huh?
yeah this is Tracy Ho. Thats right .im talking about my awesomest buddyy. Robert a.k.a. Bob or bobert/halfa. haha. yeah we met at WARWICK elementary skool. in like 5th gradee hellah days ago. but yeah we been friend ever since haha. anyways we now attend TJHS also known as THORNTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL.. haha yeah. but let me tell you some stuff about Bob.
1. His birthday is May 24th so tell him happyy birthdayy!
2. Hes like about 5'4
3. He's origanilly a dirty blonde but now hes just a blonde. ewwiee
4. His Favyy color is like the rainbow.haha hellah gayy huh?
5. His bestys are like Me.Daniel.Dennis.Coryy. etc.
6.His aim is bobaholland. soo hit him up and sayy wassupp!
8. His favorite band is Broken Cyde.
well me and bob has our upsies and downsies but in the end.
we always pull through.