Broken Doll♥ profile picture

Broken Doll♥


About Me

hw:106 lw:85 cw:102 gw1:97 gw2:93 gw3:90
This is a new account. Some of you have probably seen or are my friends on my other one. But I can't post anything one knows. & people are stupid & nosy. They feel the need to read through comments. So I opened this one.

In a nutshell

I've been anorexic for 5 years now. Sophomore year of high school I weighed 90lbs, my goal was 85, but my mom pointed out that I was getting too thin and started making sure I ate. I put on far more weight that I would of ever liked. Since then I've been on a rollercoasted with this. Right now I feel so fat and disgusting.
h:5'1 1/2
gw2:95 gw3:90Sign In Log Out Colorblind

My Interests

.*Eating Disorder Survey*.
Age?: 18
Height?: 5'1 1/2
Weight?: 101
Lowest Weight?: 85
Highest Weight?: 106
What weight do you want to weigh?: 85
What eating disorder do you have?: anorexia nervosa
In Depth
How many calories do you eat in a day, on average?: 600at the most
Do you throw up your food on occasion?: yes
Do you want to look like a supermodel/actress?: so so so much
Are you in some sort of extracurricular sport, ie soccer or track?: i used to dance, until i hurt my knee. now i go to the gym religiously
Has anyone ever teased you about your weight?: joking around i guess...
Have you ever fasted? If so, for how long?: 2 days...ergh i'm terrible at fasting.
Do you take laxatives to get rid of food/calories?: no.
Are you 'inspired' by models/actresses?: giselle, nicole richie, gemma ward, twiggy.
Have you ever been hospitalised for your ED?: no.
Have you ever ingested Ipecac to induce vomiting?: no
Have you ever tried to recover from your eating disorder?: yes. and i gained so much weight. I was so disgusted. i started purging after that.
Body Image Q's
Do you constantly see yourself as fat, even though others say you are not?: yeah....i'm disgusting.
What part of your body would you change?: stomach! THIGHS gross. Legs....ergh
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your body?: 2
Do you judge your value/merit solely on your weight/body?: eh....wouldn't say so.
Because of your body apperance/weight, have you become severely depressed?: ridiculously
Do you constantly compare your bodies to supermodels/actresses?: no. more to other people i see around me.
Do you think you eat healthy enough?: yes. I won't ever eat fast food, pizza, cookies, candy, red meat, and I don't even touch soda.
Are you morbidly afraid to eat carbs?: they're in everything
Fat grams?: incredibly
Calories?: they scare the shit out of me. i stare at them until i decide they aren'r worth consuming.
Are you often tired/fatigued?: tired. a lot
Do you feel more energised after eating food?: no. slower. bloated.
Do you eat meat?: only chicken.
Do you eat your food in a certain way? ie cut it up into small pieces, etc.: cut up very small.
Do people tell you you look sick or famished?: no
Have you ever thrown up blood?: no
Is your heart bpm above 49?: i'm not sure what it is.
Do you have fainting spells from lack of eating?: only feel like i'm about to faint. but never do.
Other Stuff
Do you think the media is at fault for the prevalence of eating disorders?: not really.
What's your opinion of Pro-Ana?: someone who supports it and doesn't bash it?
Do you have any other mental disorders? ie Bipolar, BDD, etc.: Think I have a chemical imbalance....which would explain why i'm happy one second and depressed out of my mind the next.
What's your favourite food to eat?: Ice cream...fucking ridiculous
Favourite drink?: More than one....water & coffee
Do you often wish you didn't have an ED?: sometimes..
Do you want to recover?: no
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My Blog


Gah.Disgusted with myself.Did horrible today, and ended up purging.Starting tomorrow I'm fasting until Saturday.
Posted by Broken Doll♥ on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:06:00 PST