I like music, watching people skateboard, and Freaking people out! Mainly freaking people out! Used to love BMXing and Bladeing, I dunno if I still can though...been a long time.Take the quiz: "What Skateboard Team do you belong on?"
You ride along side Bam Margera. Your team isnt the best out there but your products sell like crazy. You often get side tracked from your skating.
Papa Roach or ICP
your love score?
by CuTeAnGeL91
email address:
(results will be emailed
to you)
of birth:
of current crush:
of first crush:
many different girlfriends/boyfriends have you had:
often do you view pornographic material:
you ever been attracted to an individual of the same sex:
turns you on the most about someone (personality, looks, etc.):
many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had in the past year:
many of those have dumped you (not you dumping them):
is the farthest base you have gotten to (be truthful):
ICP, Monoxide Child, Otep, Simple plan, Good Charlott, etc.
Take the quiz: "What Song Will They Play At Your Funeral? ((PIX!!))"
My Way by Frank Sinatra
You've always done everything your way regardless of consequences. People love and respect you because you're talented and probably beautiful (atleast you know you are). People also hate you for these reasons too.
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 92%
Romance - 64%
Self - Control - 16%
Kissing - 84%
Cuddling - 5%
Kinkiness - 26%
This QuickKwiz by KillianO - Taken 5568 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice !
Horror, Suspence
Take the quiz: "WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU ?? (4 GIRLS)"
Secret Window
Your cryptic, yet that's what makes you intriguing. You have a mixed personality and your always up for adventure.
Buffy, Charmed, Punk'd, southpark, simpsonsTake the quiz: "Which sImpson CharaCter aRe yOU???(((PICTURES)))"
YoU're a TErRor IN tHE fLesh..HaRd COre wAnNabe..YOUr jUS leARniNg whEN yOU geT Ur aSs kIckEd bY ThOse bULlYs...wHaT dOesnT kILl yOU maKes YoU sTrOngEr, RighT?
Harry Potter Series, Fantasy, suspence, horror, etc.Take the quiz: "What Kind Of Weapon Are you?"
You're the sword! Most definitely the most honorable and honest of weapons. You've been used for thousands of years to inflict pain and death on mankind. People see you as the most noble of weapons. Traditionally, you're the big brother of the gun. If a gun isn't available, a fighter will grab for you and try to take out their enemy. You're retired now, nobody really uses you in war, mankind has other... More disgusting methods now. You're good for a stab in the heart, the neck or the gut and everyone appreciates a death by a sword. The only people that use you anymore are either very stupid or very crazy. Murderer.
Isane Clown Posse, J.K. RowlingTake the quiz: "Insane clown posse quiz, Juggalo or Poser?"
Your a True Juggalo, Born With a hatchet and a juggalo face, Cruisin with A trunk full of faygo and a car full of fat chix, and haunted by a Dark Carnival, your hmies are family too, and you believe Santa Clause is a fat bitch. Hallowen is prolly ur favorite Holiday. if this is tru and ur a juggalette you should im me on .. IndependentJ0ker (with tha number zero) Much Clown love!