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hockey masks,balloons,broccoli,anything inappropriate. people,art,great sex,books,headphones,good djs,monkey toothpaste porn.
a visionary. an artist. someone who marches to their own beat. People who are open and want to evolve. Someone who is going to read a book when they are bored,as oppose to psychotically texting like its the rapture. Anyone who is altruistic. Someone who can give a compelling argument as to why dinosaurs are not in the bible. People who see themselves in the third person. people who love to dance. an independent thinker.You got to come original... background-color:rgb(18,16,16); }body, div, p, strong, td, .text, .blacktext10, .blacktext12, a.searchlinkSmall, a.searchlinkSmall:link, a.searchlinkSmall:visited{ color:rgb(153,0,0); font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; text-transform:none; }.orangetext15, strong, .lightbluetext8, .whitetext12, .nametext, .btext, .redtext, .redbtext{ color:rgb(153,0,0); font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; text-transform:none; }a, a font, a:link, a:visited, a.navbar, a.navbar:link, a.navbar:visited,,,, font, a.redlink, a.redlink:visited{ color:rgb(153,0,0); font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none; text-transform:none; }a:hover, a:hover font, a:active, a.navbar:hover, a.navbar:active,,, font, a.searchlinkSmall:hover, a.searchlinkSmall:active, a.redlink:hover, a.redlink:hover{ color:rgb(153,0,0); font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none; text-transform:none; font-family:Courier new,sans-serif; } a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I want to give back to music what it has given to me. I don't want to pigeon hole myself to a genre and allow it to dictate how I approach creating,how I dance,dress,or who I hang out with.Muthafuka please...
the yellow submarine,labrynthe,Pan's Labrynthe,Fight Club,Pulp-Fiction,Waking Life,The Secret,What the Bleep,Baraka,Batman Begins,Wonder Boys,Clay Pigeons,any Cameron Crowe,He loves me he loves me not,Queen Margot,the Halloween movies, The Exorcist...
A marketers dream...thought control.
Books need to make a serious fuckin comeback,if you can name more sitcoms than books go hang yourself...Thanks for stopping by,have a great day.
Your mom is my hero.