Gina the [Ninja] BAMF profile picture

Gina the [Ninja] BAMF

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

'Ello, there!
I am Gina the [Ninja] BAMF and I like my music so loud that my ears bleed! Sup @ u?
I don't know shit about anything and all of my knowledge is formed from the results and conclusions of my own meandering experiences and existence.
People should always have the courtesy to send a message with an add request. It is polite and courteous.
I write blogs and people read them. If you <[ subscribe >], you probably wont regret it. As a writer, I am bound to have a nasty habit of expressing myself better via writing than speaking.
I use my hairbrush as a microphone and dance around in my underwear. It's the best thing in the world and I am proud of it.
I'm pretty sure nobody understands me, I'm just all around misunderstood.
My eyes always show so much more than I want people to know.
I'm usually very friendly, and generally uber nerdy. Rather whimsical, and pretty sporadical at times.
I fear dirty dishwater, small creatures in large numbers, and finding something brown, smelly, and sticky on the bottom of my shoe. ewwww.
I don't put up with stupid bullshit and if you say or do something that I find is completely retarded, I'm going to call you out on it.
I am an exotic dancer, but I'm not a whore or a slut. I have my dignity, and my self-esteem.
I'm as weak as you, but you aren't as strong as me.
I always hold back. You'll never really know what is on my mind, and you'll never really know what I am feeling.
I never go anywhere without my iPod. My iPod's name is "BAMFpod." She's my baby, and she's loaded with all the music that makes me cream my panties.
I have an awesome cat named Spittleygibbets. She's an attention whore. She's my other baby.
I have no major goals in life, except to live rather than to just exist. To be happy, rather than just content.
I love very few people, and those people that I love are important to me. I will never leave them, and I will never let my love for them go to waste.
I hate the phrase "I love you." I use it very carefully.
You'll learn a lot about me <[ here >].
Rules to life: Live fast, die young, and leave a pretty little corpse behind!!
Yahoo IM: knives_getting_colder
YouTube: knivesgettingcolder
MatchFlick: Gina the Ninja BAMF
Dearest Gina, My beloved [Ninja]pants. You are the most super BAMF in the whole wide world and I want to fuck your brains out and have lots of orgasms on your boobies! Please eat my soul. The end!
"Minimalism, Abstract Expressionism, Post Modernism, Is It?
We are the children of concrete and steel
This is the place where the truth is concealed
This is the time when the lie is revealed
Everything is possible and nothing is real."

My Interests

Star Wars
loud music
Give me this, and I'll be happy:

I'd like to meet:

DamienKatarinaMattoI pretty much hate everybody. But people who are not completely stupid get less hate.


It's like candy, you always gotta throw out the fuckin RAPPERS! *cough*
Try me: I'm pretty much open to anything except rap, hip-hop, and R&B.
I have a soft spot for metal and rock. Horns to you.


Not a big fan. I could watch CSI or Family Guy all day long, though.
Television doesn't rot your brain, the subliminal messages in certain shows can. I just don't watch much because there's never anything good on.


My favorite book in the world is "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I also thoroughly enjoy comic books.


*My Dad. Yes, I know it's cliche and cheesy, but if there is any man who can pull off the duties of a mother and father, and still have a good stable life in every other aspect, he is the man. I'm a fucking lucky little girl to have a dad like him. MY DADDY CAN KICK YOUR DADDY'S ASS!
*Sam. She always sets me straight. Someday, I'll be as strong as her.
*M.J. She has a nasty tendency to sport bad tan lines and always gives me a good reality check.
*Damien. He has the potential to be great, and knows it, and uses it. He's also my favorite midget.
*Lesley. She is a loving and wonderful mother, even to me and I'm not even her own kid. She strives to make everything change for the good.
*People who give lots of hugs.
*People who smile a lot.
*Anyone who can eat more cheese than me.

My Blog

Like shadows on a silver screen, were drinking rum and kerosene...

"Some folks search for the holy grail, but there ain't nothin sweeter than riding the rails" -Tom WaitsI am currently in New Orleans. w00t.I'm with a friend and his crew, they're all pretty ...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 07:50:00 PST

There aint nothin sweeter than the fumes of paint!

:D :D :D!!!!!!I'm so fucking happy right now, I'll say it again!I'm so fucking happy right now!I think I found a new awesome hobby that makes me really feel good. I could probably do this on my shitti...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:22:00 PST

A winner! (And some side notes)

So, it took a while, but I finally found a winner. Yayness.*drum roll, please*Nicolas Blaze & Nicolette Congratulations, you won my art. You have a wide and varying tas...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 01:29:00 PST

A game! *closed now, winner has been chosen*

I would like to play a music game right about now.Here's how it goes (It's a lot more simple than it seems):A song and artist is named by one person.A reply is made by any other person, with a respond...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 07:47:00 PST

What is love? Video bloggy goodness for the soul!

Music: "All in the Waiting" by BucketheadView my youtube channel here.Oh, and by the way, not to be rude or anything, but I'm not saying "I love you" to YOU. I'm saying it because I'm trying...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 09:09:00 PST

I thought I should share this.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll b...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 02:29:00 PST

Music is ALWAYS playing!

*This took like, three hours to write down and now I have a headache...*I'm bored, and music is always playing. People say I have an "eclectic" taste in music. I have no idea, so I'm share my music co...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 05:08:00 PST

The blog you don’t want to read but has an alluring title so you will anyways.

TAMPON [NINJA]!!!Know what I hate about the male species? They don't bleed from their penis once a month and they don't understand what it's like for us females to bleed from our vagina's.I'm not tryi...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:04:00 PST

Gimme that ol fashion cardboard box.

Do you remember when you were a child and had your first bottle of bubbles? You know, the kind with the wand inside and you would dip the wand in the bottle and then blow on it and it made bubbles. Re...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 07:10:00 PST

Rant of the BAMF: Myspace Edition

It's been a while since I have ranted. I don't really think I want to make it weekly anymore. Just whenever I feel like it from now on. Here's a special one. All about our beloved Myspace, because we ...
Posted by Gina the [Ninja] BAMF on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:41:00 PST