ok, let me say a little sumthn' 'bout me...i may not be perfect but i always try to be one..i think, trying to be perfect makes one a good person..he or she may not reach that goal but at least the experience leaves a very deep idea on how to deal with things the next time..i always believe that HOPE is the best value one has to have because with HOPE, one strives to work harder thinking of the possiblity that at the end, results would be good..PATIENCE is a ViRTUE..well, i really need patient people around me..i maybe moody..very, very moody at times..and fickle minded..well, i think that's normal for ladies..RiGhT? oh well, it's a good thing i have CARLO..the two of us are the REAL OPPOSSITES!!! believe me..that makes him my sHock aBsoRbeR..hahahahaha..i think GOD really wanted for the both of us to be together..next..uhmmm..well, myDogs..when it comes to dogs, i am really passionate..i love 'em! especially LucKy!!! well, not that he's the new dog at home but he has this extra sweetness..whereva' i go, he seems to be there always!!! even in the bathroom!!! paquito and polo are the seniores..although they are of age i still love 'em because they are the babies at home..considering that at 22 years old, im already the youngest at home..hehehe..well, i'm also a very "sociable, God_fearing, makulit, who really loves music" girl..well, that's a little something about me..do wish to have more friends h're at ma'space...*chiLL* *****
Disorder Rating
Paranoid : High
Schizoid : Moderate
Schizotypal : Moderate
Antisocial : Moderate
Borderline : Moderate
Histrionic : Moderate
Narcissistic : High
Avoidant : Low
Dependent : Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive : Moderate
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ApauL rOcK oN !!! -- -- -- Copied from MySpace.com -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!