Jst cuz i rock,dsnt mean im made out of stone profile picture

Jst cuz i rock,dsnt mean im made out of stone

I am here for Friends

About Me

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i was born and raised here in vegas, and if you grew up here you know that there is more here than just the strip!! I love to smile and dance and have fun, i am a great friend, daughter, mother and sister. i get along with almost everyone, but if you betray my trust don't expect me to be nice. i can get mean, but it takes a lot to get me mad. i can forgive, but never forget. i love cold stone cake batter ice cream, reeses peanut butter cups frozen, peanutbutter and honey on toast, strawberries,bananas and kiwis. i enjoy swimming and laying out in the sun, the heat doesn't bother me as long as i'm not in it all day, even though i love the sun, i love the rain too, since we don't get much here!! i am one of the most awesome people you'll ever meet, and usually hard to forget (usually) =-)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well if you are reading this, then i want to meet YOU!!!


I like variety from hip hop and r&b to alternative and love songs and even some country!!!


there are so many, but to name a few, memento, donny darko, identity, saw, the others, the matrix, x-men (one of my favorites) Jean rocks....and of course harry potter


you gotta love nip tuck, one of my favorites, heroes, grey's anatomy,law and order, 4400, jay leno (love the headlines), conan and the kick ass girl shows charmed and buffy :)


I love Harry Potter, i know that makes me a dork but oh well, i also like john grisham, and dan brown, the davinci code rocks!!!! patricia cornwell is cool too, but mostly respiratory books right now, asthma anyone


the sick kids i work with at the hospital and their parents who dedicate every moment with them... and Branden because when it looks like all is lost, he keeps smiling and makes it better =-) love you!!!

My Blog


well, if you know me then you know i have scars on my body from a traumatic event in my life (another blog at another time) and these scars got me thinking, i am very insecure about them and how they ...
Posted by Jst cuz i rock,dsnt mean im made out of stone on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:01:00 PST