Full Name: Amber Nicole Johnson
Eye color: green blue
shoe size: lke 8 or 9
Middle name: Nicole
How many brothers & Sisters: 1 bro and 2 sisters
Moms Name: sue
Is he/she in a relationship: yea with her babys dad
How long have you been friends: 11 years
First thought when you met eachother: ugh damn that bitch gotta big ass gap
What kind of car does your BFF drive: none
Where do they work? steak n shake
Whats thier favorite alcoholic drink: dont drink
Is your friend still a Virgin: nope hadda baby
Whats the craziest memory you share: too many
Who wil get married first: her probably to her babes dad
Whats thier favorite color: green
favorite candy bar: anything chocolate
have you ever seen this person cry: yesss
Share another crazy moment you have had together: too many
Whats this persons special talent: she really dont have one
Can they do a handstand: yeah
Whats thier weakness: cheese itz
Favorite brand of clothes: id say rocca wear
Whats thier fav. kind of music: rap n r n b
~*WOULD YOU.... *~
...ever live together: yea
...have thier back: yea i do thier shoulder to cry on: yea have been
...hold thier hair back when sick: yea have
...prank call till 1am together: we have before not no more
...let them know when something is wrong: all the time
...tell them when they look silly: all the time
...bail thier ass out of jail: hell yea
Now Fill this out and send it back to the person that sent it to you!!!