Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) profile picture

Monique (aka Big Mo Mo)

I am here for Friends

About Me

MySpace LayoutsI'm all about my family and friends......

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Now that my daughters are both in college I have gone back to school part-time. I'm working toward completing my Bachelor's Degree and then work towards my Masters Degree in Nursing, I have my Associates Degree in Nursing and always said I would go back to school once the girls were in college and so I am. I've completed 3 classes and so far have a 4.0 GPA. I'm really enjoying learning new things. It's really different being an adult learner, I'm enjoying this much more this time around. I'm taking the classes through a collaboration between CMMC School of Nursing and Saint Joseph's College of Maine. Some of the classes are online and some are held at CMMC. I have decided to take this summer off but plan on taking a class in the fall. It's a slow process but the only way I can do it while working full time. I have also started playing golf and got new clubs for Christmas and plan on going out golfing quite a bit this summer. Looking forward to going to New York City on my birthday and taking the girls to a backstage tour of the Wicked set and going to Madame Tusseaud's Wax Museum. Also going to try to win tickets to the Wicked matinee show. Keeping my fingers crossed!!


This is their GREAT DRUMMER!! Go Jayme!!I've become a BIG Idina Menzel fan. Here she is singing a song I LOVE and follows singing The Prayer with Josh Groban. Enjoy...

Idina performed at the National Memorial Day Concert and sang 2 WWII era song and then dedicated my favorite song "Where Do I Begin" to our current troops and their loved ones.Here is Idina and Kristen in Wicked... ....Went to Kelly's concert in Boston on 10-23-07. She was amazing but the thing that really touched me was that she dedicated a song to a close friend of mine that passed away this spring. "Shully" was one of the founders of Kelly's biggest message board, she was a Boston gal and a great friend that I miss. THANKS KELLY FOR DOING THIS!!


I like the older classic movies, especially the musicals. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Chronicles Of Narnia movie, Prince Caspian. Should be great. Wish they would make the Broadway hit Wicked into a movie soon!!


I don't really watch much television. I watch sports like football and hockey and sometimes golf and baseball. I do follow LOST and sometimes Ugly Betty. I also enjoy historical shows. Just watched the John Adams series on HBO and that was fantastic!!


I'm actually excited that I will be able to read something for fun and not for some class. I plan 7 Moons and starting the book on John Adams and the Women of Liberty.


My heroes include my husband Dennis, who shows me everyday what the meaning of soul mate is. My daughters, Meg and Jess, who inspire me to try new things and who keep me young. My parents, who have shown me what it means to follow God's will. My sister Donna, who has shown me what it means to be strong. My mother and father-in-law for showing me that in your 80's you can be active. My brothers, Bob, Pat, Dan and Dave and my brothers-in-law John and Donald for being great examples of husbands and fathers and my sisters-in-law, Kelli,Debbie, Lynn, Lisa and Coutney for being great examples of wives and mothers. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family!

My Blog

Mortality & Taking Life & Those You Love Forgranted

At 1am last Wednesday morning I came face to face with a fact that I've never spent too much time thinking about, and that was my own mortality. I turned 45 this year and have been very busy with my l...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 10:42:00 PST

Patriot's Training Camp and the end of vacation

Anyone that knows me that I LOVE summer and it is my favorite time of year. I was blessed to have 2.5 weeks of vacation blocked together after a very busy and difficult 7 months at work. I LOVED it!! ...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 04:51:00 PST

Beach to Beacon Race

I love to run. I ran the Beach to Beacon 10k on Saturday, 8/5/06 with my two daughters, sister and my nephew. This was my 4th Beach to Beacon 10k. I had a great time running with my family. I was...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:20:00 PST

Mourning... But Looking Forward to Next Season

I have to admit I'm still in shock. 3 days after the fact and I still can't believe the season is over, that I won't be putting up red and blue decorations for the Super Bowl game this year. As I ...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:59:00 PST

My Football Obcession

If you have visited my "myspace" layout you can see I have a "little" obcession with Patriots Football and during the playoffs it seems to get!!. I have little "quirks" that I do thro...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 10:43:00 PST

What a week!!!

Well it's been one heck of a week. Started out getting stuck in Keene, New Hampshire, after my little Ford Explorer decided to burn out a wheel bearing on the passenger side wheel, almost causing...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 05:23:00 PST

My First One....

This is my first try at this. My daughters have been after me to subscribe to MySpace and start blogging. I have to admit I was a little intimidated at first. I looked at other people's blogs and some...
Posted by Monique (aka Big Mo Mo) on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 04:35:00 PST