Hiphop, Drum and Bass, House, Funk, Reggae/Dancehall, Garage/2 Step, Indie Rock, Soul, Jazz, Downtempo, Kompa, Tropicalia, Psych/Prog, some Metal, some Wood, some Rock, some Plants, Obscure foreign records, underground AND commercial shit...if it's good, it's good.
...and other things besides music.
...obsessively into fine activities like:
music, movies, books, videogames, fresh green herbs, foreign beer, djarum cloves (but not anymore), random debauchery, 80's cartoons, recollecting on their days of playing pencil pop as a youth, making delicious meals that I may taste, ninjas, vampires... vampire ninjas, real ultimate power (ha!), fighting the system, even people who just talk about fighting the system, new (and, yeah, even recycled) philosophies, metaphysics, people who tend to find obscure and entertaining movies on the net, music, drinking refreshing H20 water, Lord 360, enjoying the art of being unnecessary, dancing to not-garbage music, moonwalking at any moments notice, Haiti, vitamin D milk, wanton acts of sloth, strange shoes, strange things in general, secret languages, Cypher, emergency baby-making drills, focusing energy, music, hyenas and other hilarious animals, things independent, the struggle.....and typing while drunk .
and long walks on the beach..with candles.
and even cats who are moderately, or hardly into any of these fine activities, but are chill individuals anyway.
nahhhh, I prefer knitting actually.
If it's visually appealing, hilarious, profound, twisted or disturbing in any way i'll probably like it... just different type shit. Stuff like Kill Bill, Amores Peros, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, PI, Fight Club, Waking Life, Gummo, Irreversible, Dancer in the Dark, Slackers, Requiem for a Dream, Visitor Q, Iron Monkey, The Audition, Man Bites Dog, The Warriors, Pulp Fiction, Run Lola Run, Snatch, Human Traffic annnd...Half Baked.
Me and TV have a love/hate relationship...
yes. Whatcha got??
Lord 360 , Cypher, Dub-Zoot-Sig....but not Mr. Rogers.