Military history, horror fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, politics, religion, video games, hiking, sleeping, talking to my cat (who realizes how insane I am, but tolerates me because I feed him), and computers.
Pink Floyd, Metallica, Enya (yes..I said Enya), NIN, Coil, Aphex Twin, Marylin Manson, Techno, Rock, Classical, and some Country.
Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Old Boy, Dune, Dawn of the Dead (old and new versions), Fight Club, War of the Worlds, Saving Private Ryan, Come and See, Starship Troopers, DragonSlayer, Boondock Saints, Unbreakable, Cube, etc....
I don't watch it.
King, Turtledove, Stirling, Rowling, Tolkien, etc...
Anyone who has had a rough life, yet managed to gain control of it and go on to do great things. Generic, right?