This is my declaration: of human moments, of art, of life, of confusion, of zen, of affirmation, of never saying die, of minding my karma, of being genuine, of seeking truth, of not bending over, of questioning authority, of tangoing with my ambiguity at midnight, of taking a walk for no reason, of being slippery when wet... This is my Declaration of Independence.
I will show how I feel.
I will sing in public.
I will be kind to humanity.
I will give a shit.
I will have empathy for the hurt.
I will have strength for the suffering.
I will seek truth.
I will be honest, really.
I will have something to do when the power's out.
I will stand by myself.
I will scare the normal people.
I will not be polite.
I will not stop being aware.
I will not be impressed by successful lies.
I will not hold you, or me, to different standards.
I will not only speak when spoken to.
I will not fit in here.
I will not tell white lies.
I will not stop improving, learning, being.
I will not settle for sufficient.
I will not waste unconditional love.
I will not fuck around, in any sense.
I will not be ideal, nor will you.
Have a real human moment, this is all superfluous information. Don't let your ant feelers do all the work.
What can you do with a day? What will you wake up and see?
I make bad jokes, strange noises, and small messes.
"Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune."
~Walt Whitman