I love collecting old coins, particularily the Morgan silver dollars from the late 1800's. I also love writing too. Oh, and Jesus.
George W. Bush, Tool, Criss Angel, Dethklok, Stephen Colbert, and Jesus...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Erich
Age?: 18
Height?: 5'9
Weight?: 150
Birthday?: 7/24/88
Birthplace?: Cambridge
Current Location?: Coon Rapids
School/Grade?: College/Freshman
Zodiac Sign?: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Dragon
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Haircolor?: Brown
Eyecolor?: Brown
Skin Color?: This should'nt matter, but it's white
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Parents married, one sister
Any Pets?: Yes
If So What Are They?: One bird
Favorite Relative?: My cousin Chris
Least Favorite Relative?: My cousin Scott
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Irish/German
Political Affilation?: Moderate
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: Straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Yes
If So, With Whom?: Laura Sturdevant
For How Long?: About 6 months
Are You In Love?: Yes, very much so
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Laura
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: Hell no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 18
Virgin?: Yes
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: Have'nt had any yet
Was It Enjoyable?: I hope it will be
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: Would'nt you like to know?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: On the lips?
Best Love Quote?: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return
Your Friends
Best?: Peter
How Many Do You Have?: I can't think of them all on the spot
More Guys Or Girls?: Guys
Love Them All?: Not by a long shot
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: All of them, but life doesn't work that way
Oldest?: Peter probably
Newest?: Josiah at work
Pen Pal?: No
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: Lydia
Flower: Autumn
Pink: John
Window: Ben K
Heart: Laura
Mother: Mom
Bread: Ben D
Insane: Ben B
Sunglasses: Peter
Pimp: Nathan
Cross: Autumn
Lonely: Ben B
Car: Peter
Music: Peter
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: Boxers
Shorts or Pants?: Shorts
Shoes or Barefeet?: Shoes
Books or Movies?: Movies
Night or Day?: Day
Dark or Light?: Light
Mountains or Beach?: Mountains
Snow or Sun?: Snow
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
Guys or Girls?: Girls
Swim or Surf?: Swim
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: Against
Abortion?: Against
Bush Getting Re-elected?: 100% absolutely for!
Suicide?: Against
War?: Against
Pants?: For
Clothes In General?: For
Penises?: What's a pensie?
Color?: Green
Number?: 23
Holiday?: Christmas
Season?: Winter
Movie?: 300
Book?: The Stand
Magazine?: MAD
Food?: Shrimp Poppers
Drink?: Milk
TV Show?: Colbert Report
Song?: Vermillion, Part 2
Band?: System of a Down
Computer Game?: AOE3
Video Game?: Guitar Hero 2
Anime/Manga?: None
Shirt?: Anything Irish
Pants?: Jeans
Actor?: None
Actress?: None
Singer?: The guy from Slipknot
Flower?: None
Scent?: Gasoline
Animal?: Puppies
Cookie?: Chocolate chip
The Future
Want To Go To College?: Yes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: An author
Want To Get Married?: Yes
Want To Have Kids?: Yes
What Would Their Names Be?: Genevieve and Jesus
How Many?: 2
Where Do You Want To Live?: Ireland
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: No clue
How Do You Want To Die?: Knowing I helped someone even if just a little
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: No
Tattoos?: No
Smoke?: No
Drink?: Once every couple of months
Do Drugs?: No
Skinny Dip?: No
Greatest Fear?: Spiders
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Go To Church?: No, but I want to...
Religion?: Christian
Scars?: Yes
CDs Owned?: About 20
Collections?: Coins
Like To Be Naked?: Not particularily
Ever Eaten Sushi?: No
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: No
Been On Stage?: No
Danced In The Rain?: Yes
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Fuck no
Weirdest Dream?: Jason Voorhees drove a rider mower on top of a pumphouse and ran me over with it
Best Dream?: Same one
Saddest Dream?: That my grandma died, and then she did the next day =(
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: That me and Jesus could beat up Hitler
Think You're Attractive?: I hope so
Shoplifted?: No
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: No
Weirdest Makeout Place?: A car
Like Thunderstorms?: No
Favorite Shoes?: None
Favorite Quote?: "I love you" Laura Sturdevant
Best Advice Given?: Don't forget that you have a girlfriend
Worst Advice Given?: Push with your back when you are benching (I know, it's so bad...but LOL)
Favorite Song Lyric?: Vermillion, Part 2
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: The lyrics to: "Falls Apart"
Glad This Is Over?: meh
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metal, heavy metal, thrash metal, death metal, black metal, power metal, doom metal, gothic metal, alternative metal, nu metal, speed metal, hair metal, glam metal, progressive metal, folk metal, symphonic metal, extreme metal, epic metal, classic metal, industrial metal, neo-classical metal, punk metal, rap metal, technical metal, brutal metal, slam metal, stoner metal, sludge metal, funeral metal, drone metal, grunge metal, gore metal, romantic metal, baroque metal, avant-garde metal, christian metal, funk metal, and metalcore. pretty much anything that's metal
Anything that glorifies Jesus in the sense that he was our Lord and Savior who died on the cross for our sins so that one day we could live for all eternity. Or if it just has explosions then that's fine too.
Nothing. I don't have television in my apartment. If I really want to watch something I will hook up the bunny ears and watch the news.
Anything Stephen King, in particular "The Stand". Another good one is the Book of Jesus (otherwise known as the Bible).
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||| 26%
Stability |||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||| 30%
Artistic |||||||||||||| 56%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism |||||| 30%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 43%
Self absorbed |||| 16%
Conflict seeking |||| 16%
Need to dominate |||||| 23%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||||| 43%
Dependency |||||||||||||| 56%
Change averse |||||||||||||| 56%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Individuality |||||||||| 36%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 64%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 43%
Paranoia |||||| 30%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 23%
Indie |||||||||| 40% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
My mom and dad for teaching me right from wrong, my sister for helping raise me, and most importantly, my grandmother: Genevieve Dorow, for being my second mother. Rest In Peace grandma! I'll never forget you. And also Jesus for teaching me how to deal with all the world's mean people and their shit. He taught me to throw it right back at them with a polite smile; the deadliest weapon...if only we all knew how to use it...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A Little Deeper Survey :)
From childhood to present survey
Name:: Erich
Born to:: Paul and Mary
Age of parents at your birth:: 32
How long were they married before getting pregnant:: They married at 23 but got pregnant with Danielle at 27
First memory in general:: Me crawling towards a stuffed rat that squeaked
First memory of Parents:: Same one
Fave childhood memory of parents:: How every Christmas my mom would only get my dad candy, hilarious
What physical feature do you have from each parent:: Dad's looks and nothing from mom
Characteristic you have from each parent:: Dad's temper but mom's patience (so I don't get mad quite as easily as my dad)
Worst feature and character trait from each parent:: Dad- My sometimes random impatience with things Mom- How I sometimes sugarcoat things to not be rude to people rather than just tell the truth
Mom's best feature and characteristic:: How she is always so patient and kind all the time
Dad's best feature and characteristic:: How he treats me like a grown up but still helps me out when I ask him something
Mom's worst feature and characteristic:: How she still thinks I am her baby boy and does'nt ever want me to leave
Dad's worst feature and characteristic:: How he is always screaming at me
Best advice from your mom:: Without morals and ideals, then evolution might as well be true. Without them we may have well come from apes, because we are certainly acting like them
Worst advice from your mom:: Erich, don't ever get an abortion (okay...)
Best advice from your dad:: Don't be a prick to people. But if you are gonna be a prick, then at least be a conscientious prick
worst advice from your dad:: Think with your big head, not your little one (EMBARASSING)
Type of relationship you have with each:: Dad- Good, more open than my mom and while we don't get along some of the time I know he is just doing what is best for me Mom- Very well, we never fight or disagree
Parents still married:: Yes
Fave thing to do with each parent:: Dad- Shoot trap Mom- Eat lunch with her and Grandpa on Wednesdays in between class
I wish my mom would not....:: Worry about things forever
I wish my mom would.....:: Let us know when something we do annoys her
I wish my dad would not...:: Swear all the time
I wish my dad would...:: Stop eating my Trix all the time
What have your parents shown you about marriage:: That it is'nt picture perfect like Hollywood makes it seem to be
What have you learned from them about parenting:: They are'nt here to be my friends, they are here to be my parents
Which parent would you want to be more like when you become a parent. why:: To an extent, my dad because he is so honest and straightfoward all the time, but I would still want my mom's undying patience
Parent's mistakes you plan not to do:: Not go to college because you married too early
More Family Questions
Whom would you rather disappoint, mom/dad:: Dad, because he gets over things faster
Most strict parent:: Dad
Worst discipline you experienced:: Spanking
Most special gift from parent(s):: My pimped out new car
Most stupid thing you thought your parent(s) did:: Almost getting a divorce over a bike rack (yes, a bike rack)
What would you tell each of your parents today about you and how you feel:: Dad- You were a jerk all my life...thank you =) Mom- Take care of dad, you're definitely tougher than he is lol
Saddest memory with parents:: Grandma dying
How close are you with each:: Very close
Do you have any siblings:: One sister
Describe them and your relationship:: Me and Danielle don't talk much anymore because she is married now. I don't always like how she does'nt have much to say to me, but I still love her
Any stepparents:: No
Describe them and your relationship:: None
Grandparents living:: 1 Grandpa
Who has the closest family our of mom's side and dad's side:: Mom's
What is the best thing about your mom's family:: They are extremely obnoxious but lots of fun
What is the best thing about your dad's family:: He does'nt have a family
What is the best thing a family member has done for you:: My dad buying me my .243 for Christmas
Best memory with another family member:: Me and my sister playing turtle
Best gift from a family member:: My pimped out new car
Fave thing to do with your family:: Christmas at home
Like family reunions:: No
How are the holidays with each of your families:: Good
Funniest thing a family member has done:: Dad coughing and accidentally farting while eating with my mom's family
What family member would you like to spend more time with:: Danielle
Life's Lessons
Something you learned as a small child:: Look both ways before crossing the street
Lesson learned as a teen:: French fries are awsome!
Lesson learned as an adult:: French fries are going to kill you
Advice you would give a young person:: Don't be a douche
You would tell your sibling(s) what about life:: Jesus only loves Republicans
Fave holiday to celebrate with family:: Christmas
Christmas tradition with each family:: Eat dinner at Grandpa's house
Most memorable gift you have ever given:: Beerstein to my dad
Out of all family members, who's name do you like:: Danielle
If you don't have kids, what names do you plan to use:: Genevieve and Bob
If you have kids, what names would you use if you have more:: Hercules, Georgia, and Garfield
Thoughts on Marriage:: I'm for it, but don't feel like you absolutely NEED to get married
Thoughts on family:: Cherish them
People who usually give good advice:: People who are Christian but don't go to church
People who have really helped you throughout life:: Family, friends, and Jesus
Your views on life:: It's a gift that should'nt be taken lightly. That means always try to be polite and nice to everyone! Even if they are'nt
Your preferred denomination:: Christian, I don't believe in denominations
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior...what age if so:: Yes, since birth
Do you believe in Satan:: Yes
Do you believe in Angels:: Yes
Have you experienced angelic presence, if so, what occurred:: No
Most awesome spiritual experience(s):: Saw my grandma in the window after she died
First memory of the Bible/Church, etc:: AWANA
What is your belief when one dies:: We either go peacefully and await our judgement or go violently and wander the earth (ghosts)
Who would you want to give a eulogy at your funeral:: I don't have any clue...does Jesus count?
What songs would you want at your funeral:: Slipknot and Metallica
On the Fun Side
What do you do to relax:: Work out
What is something that you have always wanted to but haven't:: Save a life
Most daring thing you have done:: Picked up a spider
Funniest thing you have done:: The day I was hiding all the rubber snakes around work for Judy P to find
Most embarrassing moment:: When I tripped over my trumpet
Ugliest outfit you have worn:: None, nothing looks bad on me, it's impossible.
Picture of yourself you hate and why:: My senior pic, I look like I am hitting on the photographer (I really was, but still...)
Something out of the ordinary you and your family have done:: Took a family vacation to Mexico
An event you have been in that was our of the ordinary:: Can't think of any
Person/People you look up to and why:: Arnold Schwarzenegger because of the fact that...he looks up to me
Person you think is really weird:: All of my friends, and of course myself
What celebrity do you look like:: Whichever one is the sexiest....Nicholas Cage
Talent you would like to possess:: Good archer
Something you just don't understand:: Fucking chemistry
If you could own your own business, what would you really like to be doing:: Running a fitness center
What is the most you have been paid for a job for one day:: $130
How do you keep up with current events:: I read newspapers
Which talk show do you like and why:: The Colbert Report, it's hilarious
Which do you dislike and why:: Everything else, it's not the Colbert Report
Your fave reality show:: Don't like reality tv
Your least fave reality show:: All of them
What do you do to exercise your brain:: Sudoku puzzles
If you could buy one really expensive thing, only one, what would it be:: A house for Coon Rapids
Best prank you have played:: Making my astronomy teacher think I am in a cult
Best prank played on you and by whom:: Don't remember...
The wackiest gift you have ever received:: A lump of coal
What would you and your family do if you could choose any vacation:: Ireland
The most money you have ever won with the lottery:: None
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