[ J e N n Y ] profile picture

[ J e N n Y ]

A wHoLe nEw wOrLd

About Me

HeY PpEePpS WeLl My NaMe Is JeniFFer Im 15 YeArS OlD AnD I Go tO hIalEaH hIgH.... iM MoStLy niCe aNd NoT BiTcHY UnLeSs u pUsH MaH bUtToNs oTHeR thAn THaT iM PrEtTy GoOd i LyK GoiNg tO The moViES I LoVe sHoPpInG TaLkInG oN THe PhONe ThE BeAcH aNd mOsTlY EvErThInG tHAtS fuN , dArIn or FaSt ... ................ ANyWaYz
How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands say With me, you'll never be lost.
Your eyes say You're amazing.
Your hugs say I promise I will try to keep you safe.
Your kisses say You mean the world to me.
Your body says Just curl up next to me.
Your heart says Je t'aime.
Quiz created with MemeGen !

Leo - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:
You're almost always the center of attention - and easy for potential dates to spot
Your happiness and optimism is appealing to all... and contagious!
You don't hold grudges - getting over little fights is no problem for you
Your negative traits:
You tend to ignore relationship problems, until they are too big to handle
You crave luxury, and you are disappointed with partners who can't provide you with it
If someone does you wrong, you'll coldly and cruely break their heart
Your ideal partner:
Someone high status enough to bring you more attention - but not so great that they upstage you
Makes you laugh and brings excitement to everything you do together
Is aggressive and confident enough to butt heads with you every so often
Your dating style:
High expectations. You need to be impressed with an incredible first date for a second one to occur.
Your seduction style:
You like to make the first move - you're fearless about initiating things
Passionate. You really get into any intimate act.
Aggressive. Most of the time, you find yourself wanting sex more than your partner.
Tips for the future:
Try to not need so much attention. You'll feel less ignored, guaranteed.
Learn to love your parnter for who they are - not how they help advance your life.
Let your partner shine occasionally. You don't always have to be the alpha dog.
Best place to meet someone online:
Platnium Romance - these flirty singles will make sure that you're the center of attention
Best color to attract mate: Gold
Best day for a date: Sunday
Get your free love profile at Blogthings .

My Interests

What Icons are for you?(Thank you for ..1!! Please check out my other Memes!!) by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:


Your Girl Parts Are Named: Love Muffin

Get your own Sex Name

Your Boobies' Names Are: Dessert and Dinner

Get your own Boobie Names


First Name: JeNiFfER
Middle Name: i DoNt hAvE One
Birthday: jUlY tHe 31sT oF 1990
Eyes: lIgHt bRoWn
Hair: MiX
Fav color: p!nK
Day/Night: nIgHt
Fave Food: FrIeS
Do you ever wish you had another name? uMm sUm TiMEs I GeT tIrED oF heArIN pPl Call MinES
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? dAM HaRd QuEs. I dONt KNow
Who's the loudest? MiMi
Who have you known the longest of your friends? KrIsTy
Who's the shyest: NoNe
Are you close to any family members? YeA
When you cried the most: tHis yEar!!!!
What's the best feeling in the world: tHe LiL BUtTeRfLiEs
Worst Feeling: GeTtInG dUmPeD
Let's walk on the: mOoN
Let's run through: tHe fLoWeR
Let's look at the: sKy
What a nice: aSs
Where did all the: BoObS Go
Why can't you: LoVe Me
Silly, little: CoCk
Tell me: AlL ThE ThINgs I wANNa HeAr
Ran away from home: NO
Pictured your crush naked: hehe
Skipped school: YeA
Broken someone's heart: UMMMM yEa
Been in love: YeA
Cried when someone died: yEa mY uNcLe r.i.p
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: YeA
Done something embarrassing: yEa AlL ThE TiMe iTS nOrMaL
Done a drug: nO
Cried in school: yEA
Your Good Luck Charm: mY bRaCeLet
Person You Hate Most: tHe pOsItIoN Is EmPtY
Best Thing That Has Happened: MiChAel
Ice Cream: cHoChOlaTe
WHO Makes you laugh the most: MiChaEL and FRiEnDz
Makes you smile: My liL cUZ
Has A Crush On You: miChAel
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: YeS
Fallen for your best friend?: yEa MiCaEl
Made out with JUST a friend?: No
Kissed two people in the same day?: No
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: NO i AiNt No FUcKIn hOE
Been rejected: . nOpE
Been in love?: yEa
Been used?: NoPe
Done something you regret?: YeA
Cheated on someone?: nOpE
Been called a tease: sUmTiMeS
You touched?: mY LiL cUZ JaNEtT
You talked to on the phone?: miChAel
You hugged?: mY Mom
You instant messaged?: MiCaEl
You kissed?: MiChAel
You yelled at?: MiChAeL
Who text messaged you?: i DoNt HaVe tExt wwaaaaahhh
Who broke your heart?: MiChAeL
Who told you they loved you?: MiChAel


This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor


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LoVe qOuTeZ

Do you ever wonder which hurts more, saying something and wishing you hadn`t, or saying nothing and wishing you had. false luv says I love you because I need you, tru luv says I need you because I lu...
Posted by [ J e N n Y ] on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 03:09:00 PST