"acquiris quodcumque rapis" is OUT NOW!!!
Click the button to downlaod the album for free!
"Elysium - Conquer your fear" released via Kaos ex Machina!
Click the button to downlaod the album for free!
Elysium is a member of the CryptoFa Music Department
Why don't YOU ENLIST as well?
Comrades, Allies & Propaganda!
"Imagine your guilty conscience breeding with your worst fears!"
Elysium on Paganik Radio
Crypto-Fascist (read before complaining!)
Front Sonore
Fear Konstruktor
Assholes who have recently tried to betray me
"It is better to be feared than loved, more prudent to be cruel than compassionate."
--Niccolo Machiavelli
"I have built my organization upon fear."
--Al Capone
"Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd."
--Bertrand Russell
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
--Marie Curie
"Fear of things invisible is the natural seed of that which everyone in himself calleth religion."
--Thomas Hobbes
"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."
--Thomas Jefferson
ELYSIUM - Make the best of your fears!
This "Band" is nothing else like an experimental project to explore the possibilities of sound creation and fear. I am Thamus , an artist of The Architects of Filth and since we need new members who are experienced in sound engineering and/or have musical skills, I am interested in creating sick sounds myself to fill the vacant space of a sound artist until we found someone. So I had the idea to create "Elysium" which is the Latin word for the paradise of the Ancient Greeks. It was reserved for those to whom the gods had granted immortality. "Elysion" was the Greek word for it. I breathed life into this project to practice sound editing and to learn something new.
Psycho-terror combined with sick sound, voices and an atmosphere of pure paranoia is what I am trying to create with this project...
DISCLAIMER: I don't care whether you like my arts or not. Don't bomb me with your spelling error larded accusations without offering constructive critics and/or suggestions, because otherwise that will just make me stronger.
I won't take responsibility for anything you might consider "provoking", "insulting" or "wrong". As long as it is allowed on MySpace I don't care about your personal idea of moral. Immorality belongs to my personal virtues as long as I don't harm innoscent people or animals, so in case you just visit this site to "feel insulted", don't visit it, if even that seems to difficult for you, just get a rope and hang yourself.
I advocate the idea of free speech on the internet. Every human being that has at least the brain capacity of a primate with a head shot can think autonomously enough to chose for himself whether something is good for him or not. If you don't like the content of a web page, avoid it. It's even easier than complaining about it. As long as children and animals do not come to harm mentally of physically, do what the fuck you want and do not annoy me with your personal idea of morality.
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