Cut Throat Freak Show! profile picture

Cut Throat Freak Show!

Thanks to the Lazy Business man for creating our logo!

About Me

Cut Throat's BANZAI Show! . It's wild.
I'm chilling after my Southwestern travels for a bit.
Next Show is at BLOODFEST!!
Click to enlarge.
My name is Jeremy, but it seems most people have decided that they like calling me Cut Throat better. I'm a circus performer, a comedian, a daredevil, a stunt person, an MC, a collector of the bizarre, and I enjoy putting the spectacle in spectacular.
I breathe fire , I've juggled chainsaws, I eat broken glass , and lift weights with my eyelids. I've perfected more ways to defy death and mutilation than anyone you've ever met.
I travel the world with my pet sea-squirrel (half fish, half squirrel) named Scratchy.
I've performed my brand of strange, skilled, dangerous, acts at break neck speeds all over the western hemisphere. From Fairbanks to Buenos Aires, and plenty in between. I've been featured on television more times than I can count, and freelance stuff I was a part of keeps on getting sold to more and more tv stations. I still street perform often, and still play live shows in tons of venues. I once passed on a trip to the east coast to see the premier of a film I was in at the Tribeca Film Festival, so I could play a show for 40 or 50 people here.
My shows have been described as "a madcap blend of classic and original sideshow stunts, executed with just enough precision not to maim anyone." by the press. I put everything I have into every show. Come see one!
Have a drink, look around. I've got a bunch of WHACK ass videos , mp3s, pictures , and stories to tell.

My Interests

fire, skills to pay the bills, broken glass, juggling, screaming retards, tattoo conventions, violence, sluts, liquor.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost, a dj with hip hop battle skills and some weird and/or creepy records, and a desire to improvise and travel. Preferably located in AZ.

Anyone with a lack of respect for their own well being combined wih undeniably bad ass skillz.


So many good bands!


Modify, Mafia!


Ripley's Believe it or not, Wife Swap, Documentaries, Susana Giminez, Ricki Lake.


Tokyo Shock Boys, Andy Kauffman, Rasputin, Evil Kenevil, King Dong, Extreme Elvis, Treephort, FunConDump.

My Blog

Las Vegas was fun, but Phoenix and Texas are calling....

Last night's show was incredible. There was a sign in the bar that said "No bumming cigarettes from customers." It was easily the most um, ethnically diverse crowd I've played to. Fun all over the dam...
Posted by Cut Throat Freak Show! on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:01:00 PST

Beers, Steers and Queers....

Please come see us.Also, repost this like a motherfucker.Anyone who uses the flyer as their default image gets free shit! I'm bringing some tight shwag.Let's make this one gigantic great time. With th...
Posted by Cut Throat Freak Show! on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 01:45:00 PST

time economy

The answers to the questions I answer every day...    Maybe this will save me some time?...
Posted by Cut Throat Freak Show! on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:04:00 PST

True story....

I thought I had posted this before. Maybe not? If it got removed, that sucks. I'm pretty sure it's within TOS. In any case, enjoy...We'd been out on a mission for a good three hours. Three hours in go...
Posted by Cut Throat Freak Show! on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 03:55:00 PST

Eyeball tatoo!

Finally...Here's the best of the crummy cell phone pics I have of my eye ball tattoo. It was done by Howie.I thought one of the most interesting things (aside from the whole needle in the eye thing) w...
Posted by Cut Throat Freak Show! on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 07:10:00 PST

While I’m waiting for Ohio pics (dumb survey thing)

 Body: If you have at least one tattoo, do the survey, if you don't then pass it on!1. Have you ever cried during a tattoo?Only when tattooing on top of my tear ducts. God damn involuntary sissy ...
Posted by Cut Throat Freak Show! on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 01:43:00 PST