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Jesus Hidalgo

...just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!???!!!!

About Me

You know me or you don't, so you get me or you don't. Make any sense?
Here's a bit about me:
Note: Any similarity of this story to any other story ever written, produced, published, edited, theorized, daydreamed, scrolled, typed, penned, penciled, etc. is purely coincidental or blatant plagiarism by one or the other author.
I was third in line behind an older woman and a very elderly couple. We were in the self-check lane. The lady in front of me was being very rude to the elderly couple. She was commenting on how much of a hurry she was in and pointing out that this couple had broken the self-check lane limit by one item. It was certainly the worst thing ever to happen in the history of the universe.
Many years ago I worked in a large drug store store chain in Seattle called (name left out for legal reasons). I was always bothered by how many rude customers there were and I vowed to “give it back to them” once I was out of there. I’ve actually done this for years much to the embarrassment of my children. This day would be no different.
“Chill out lady,” I said. She then turned and started swearing at me with my young daughter at my side. “Stay out of this,” she shouted. “It none of your F$%#*&^’ business.” I just smiled at the checkout clerk. She could tell I was going to make her day.
The elderly couple left and now it was the mean lady’s turn. She placed two cans of paint on the checkout stand and asked, “Can you open these for me. I want to check on the color.” The clerk said, “Sorry ma’am. I can’t. You need to do that in the paint department. This is the self-check lane. I'm just here to help with the check-out process” That’s when the fireworks began. Follow the dialogue.
Mean lady- “What the f$%& do you mean? I was just at the f*&%$&n’ paint department and there was no one there.
Me- “I’m sorry lady but you’re lying because I was just there and there were 3 clerks there with nothing to do.”
Mean lady- “You stay the f%^$ out of my f@$%&*’ business. Who the f^&% are you calling me a liar?”
Me- “I was just there. And why are you inspecting paint in the self-check line when you just harassed that elderly couple for having one extra item?”
Mean lady- “Shut the f*&^ up and mind your own g&% d$%n business”
Me- “Well lady, this is my business because now I’m stuck behind you wanting to check ... colors in the self check lane.”
Mean lady- “Well you can just shut the f*&^ up.”
It was at this point that store employees started gathering around and other customers were beginning to pay attention to the mean lady who was now yelling everything like we were all deaf or something. I got the feeling that the Home Depot employees were a little excited to see someone sticking up for them for a change.
The nice clerk then offered to give the lady a note saying that if she did not like the paint she could return it. This whole time my poor child is cowering with embarrassment at her father’s conversation with the sailor mouth lady. But I wasn’t done. I made one more comment about how she was cheating the system and that I wondered if this was how she lived her life. It was something like that. I was not going to let her get away without one long look at her ugly self in the mirror. People like that drive me nuts. She swore at me again and paid for paint and was out the door. Good riddance.
Now it was my turn to pay. As I inserted my hard-earned honest cash into the self-check machine the Home Depot clerk thanked me. I told her why I did it and she again expressed her appreciation for sticking it to her. It was rather invigorating. Again, my daughter said she wished she could have disappeared.
So now I have this 8-foot long box with blinds in it on my shoulder and we’re headed out the door with another story to tell. My daughter and I giggled about what happened and how horrible it must be to live your life like that mean lady. We’re about 30 feet from the car when I hear a familiar voice shout out, “F&%# you mister!” It was her. And now she was coming straight for us. I switched the big box to my other shoulder to offer some kind of protection. But she kept coming straight at me pointing her crooked finger, “F*&^ you mister! F&^$ you!” She kept repeating it.” Now a small crowd was turning toward the ruckus. She got within 5 feet of me and something in my brain took over my voice. I shouted the first thing that came to mind.
She stopped dead in her tracks, absolutely bewildered and disarmed. Then the people in the parking lot started to laugh. I had stunned her so badly she just walked away. Then we heard a guy with his son say, “Did that man just call her a poopy pants?” For the sake of my daughter I thought it best that we just leave the premises.
Myspace Codes.. width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

Mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, exotic cars, road trips, (not so much now with the gas as much as it is!! Jeez!!), computers (yes, I am a geek I think because I never buy them, just build them myself), etc.
Update!!!! Update!!!! OMG, LOL, LMAO, WWJD? I actually BOUGHT a computer instead of building one! Hell hath frozen over.

I'd like to meet:

Salvador Dali and ask him WTF? I mean it's cool and all but...what elicit drugs were you on? Jesus...same questions. Buddha, and say to him..."Way to be , Jackson!!"
Oh and Beatrix Potter. Just so I could say I met someone named Beatrix. Bee-ahh--triiicks. Rolls off the tongue.


Punk, ska, metal, rock, jazz, alt, pretty much anything that sounds good at the time.


Lately Harry Potter OOTP, Mr Bean's Vacation (don't bother), Simpson's Movie, I'm sure some others as well, just can't remember right off the top of my head.
01/08 No movies yet this year. :(


...but I have to admit that I was sucked into Prison Break last season and have been trying to get home from riding soon enough to watch. And House. Of course the Seahawks during the season. Then there's always the usual Fox sunday night shows (Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Etc). Otherwise I don't really have time to watch.
Update 09/07 college football is on! And Seahawks pre-season!Yeah!
Update 01/08 Damn Green Bay!!!! I watched a docudrama about the "300" on the DiscNatGeoHistSciDocuLifestyleTravel Channel the other day.


OK, now I am reading anything I can find. I finished all the series books here at the house and have run out of stuff that interests me so I am randomly selecting books from the shelf without knowing what's inside. Makes it interesting. Right now (04/29) I'm reading Michael Connelly, "The Narrows".
Update 09/07 just bought a bunch of Half price stuff and will wallow through whilst awaiting new Terry Pratchett.
11/07 Finally getting around to reading the new Terry Pratchett. Funny stuff!!
01/08 Re-reading Lawrence Block, "Hit Parade" (Didn't remember I'd already read it!).


None! No one is worthy! Ok, maybe SpongeBob. ("Air is not goood, Patrick! Aiirrr is nottt gooood!")

My Blog

Well...if you must know....

Well, lots of things have been going on. It's a new year and there are some serious changes about to take place in our lives. First off, Ellen and I are engaged. Yea! No set details, dates or plans fo...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:30:00 PST

So lately...

nothing terribly exciting. The new house is nice enough, though it needs an addition like asap!!! Must have master suite!!!! Not enough room!!! Feeling choked...!!! Gasp!!!! Not really, but it will be...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:18:00 PST

Oh there's no place like "sick" for the holidays.

So as soon as the holiday set in, so did a nasty cold. DAMNIT!!!!! Well, at least I have my wait, umm yeah. Here's an interesting take on this "holiday" we just "celebrated":Once upon a ...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 05:05:00 PST

Re: Randy's poop blog entry

Sorry if you're offended but I had to respond to Randy's poop story. Yes, it's childish!All in all, it hadn't been a good day. Bad traffic, a malfunctioning computer, incompetent co-workers and a sore...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:19:00 PST

So if you don't already know...

Here's the deal. I found out a few weeks ago that I've been running around with two herniated discs, one fissured disc (that's torn for us laymen), and a cracked vertabrae. All this from the accident ...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 05:10:00 PST

Jesus H.

So now summer's over (but it's still sunny and 70), I'm older, my body feels WAY older, and my insurance claims for the wreck and medical still aren't settled. Well, I'm gonna celebrate with another t...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 07:52:00 PST

Update for anyone who knows me....

So I finally get all healed up, everything is going great, get in touch with old friends I haven't seen in years, kids had a great year scolastically in school, all is peachy when...BAM!!!!!!! Head on...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 03:47:00 PST

Back to riding...

After the knee injury late last year I rode very little. Have gotten a few good rides (SeaTac, St Ed's, Japanese Gulch, Powerlines) in the last few weeks. I have to wear a brace on the knee but  ...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 07:43:00 PST


Well, my company is doing all right at Barett-Jackson so far. We've sold some nice cars. I hope we bought some decent stuff. Should be interesting to see what stuff goes for this weekend. Always bring...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:30:00 PST


My frickin head is killng me tonight!!! To update custody in Nov. last year!!! Hoorray!!!! I just listed a pile of stuff on'll run for 5 days. Take a look at seller:proflexr...
Posted by Jesus Hidalgo on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:53:00 PST