Likes; Dancing, modelling, shopping, my friends, msn, alchohol, getting cuddled, partys, pictures, family, music, frogs, tea & biscuits, T.I, randomness, river island, choclate spread, flip-flops, being happy, summer, swimming, gym, fit boys/men, chilling out, magazines, new jamas, havin the odd day where u dont get out of bed!, big brother, katie price & peter andre & loads, holidays, giggling with my girls, gettin glammeed up Dont like; Smelly feet, peas,bad hair days, bad make up days, bad days lol, bitchy girls, having no mintues & texts, boredness, being told what to do, not being right when i think i am :|, dogs that sniff you, Immature Boys, when the straighnters break, burnt toast, boys that are full of them selves, girls that think there much better than you, being told off, Not knowing what to wear. (Pheobe will know wat i mean!) i do have my tantrums!! :|
Your mum?! & Jesus & God & Jeremy Kyle & My family i aint Met =o<[/b> & Jordan & Zac Effron
Slow Songs, oldiies, RnB, some rock, some indie, some grime, the classics!!
I Lovee a Good Ol Mooch to film [Specially in my jamas with a tea] But Too Many to namee, KidultHood & AplhaDog gotta be couple of the Favs doee x
Big brother, britains/americas got talent, Jordan & peter, Mtv, My super sweet 16, youve been framed, the hills, friends, cribs, Eastenders
Katie price; Autobiography.