abstraction, graphic design, photography, painting on anyone or anywhere, dancing, yoga, learning spanish, the Amazon, people and culture, travel, music, spirituality, alchemy, creative time with friends, fearlessly moving on and allowing the lotus petals to surface
my present spirit guide, my gypsy relatives, someone who can teach me how to shapeshift, and have more lucid dreams
Bjork, MissKittin, Ladytron, FischerSpooner, LCD soundsystem, ThieveryCorporation, Kruder, AphexTwin, BancoDeGaia, JunoReactor, BebelGilberto, Beck, LesNubians, NinaSimone, BHoliday, NatMerchant, Pixies, Peaches, ModestMouse, DavidByrne, ManuChao, FatBoySlim...anything i can dance to, electro, house, music with soul, music to meditate with and take baths to, music with heart and kickass lyrics
Amelie, AmoresPerros, WakingLife, HumanTraffic, RulesOfAttraction, YTuMamaTambien, Barbarella, BladeRunner, Magnolia, Matrix, HenryAndJune, MoulinRouge, RunLolaRun, PrincessandWarrior, Memento, TheFollowing, Fear&Loathing, Microcosmos, Snatch, WoodyAllen flicks, indie and art films, short movies made by me and my good friends
StillLifeWithWoodpecker, TheIlluminatedRumi, MemoirsOfAGeisha, UndoingYourself, TheAlchemist, TheZahir, ElevenMinutes, BeHereNow, Warhol's Factory, anything by HermannHesse, ThichNhatHanh, or NickBantock, and any art, political or spiritual zine
people that create art wherever they go and carry with them that love for life