forward thinkers...dreamers...those who know the value of a good tool belt
The kind that makes me feel like I got slugged in the gut...for better or worse. SLUG!
Pretty much anything Think Films puts out. What is with them? Amazing movies...consistantly. And...Donnie Darko, Rushmore, The Secretary, Happiness, Like Water For Chocolate, Amedeus, Goodfellas, Napolean Dynomite, Christmas Story, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Intacto, Spellbound....too many to list...I love movies.
Strangers With Candy. I miss you Jerri Blank.
I am currently obsessed with coffee table books on architecture and design. I could spend a whole pay cheque (or 6) on books about houses. I don't know what the deal is. I am sure it will pass.
My grandfather. And you. Did you ever know that you're my hero?