Chicago's Playwright Reshanda Henderson profile picture

Chicago's Playwright Reshanda Henderson

God will give me as far as my eyes can see, "Oh God do I see great things!"

About Me

I am a 30 year old female and I was brought up in the church and I accepted christ at the age of 12. But I did not receive christ into my heart until I was 18 years old and I surrendered completely to him at the age of 22 and I have been running for Jesus every since. God has blessed me with a man, not just any man and not somebody else's man (praise GOd for that) but he has blessed me with a Man of God that Loves him first and I know he loves me as well.God has given me something that I have longed for and have yearned for and that is a man that loves him first. I Thank God for my honey and I praise God for allowing us to cross paths. I don't believe it was by coincidence that God placed us in one another's lives when he did, God knew what he was doing. I know your'e probably wondering why I am talking so much about my husband and it is suppose to be about me well guess what? this is me. My husband has been my rock, my strength, my shoulder to lean on, my very best friend, my lover, my protector, my provider, my prayer partner,and I could go on. Yes, marriage has it's ups and downs but the ups and downs are well worth it when God gives you a man that loves him first. My husband is my king and I honor him and I adore him for the man, the father, the businessman and youth pastor that he is. I love you honey. and to my daughter Jarielle, mommie loves you and always remember in life that mommie got your back but keep God in front.And to my boy Amani, mommie never thought you would be but here you are a blessing in disguise.To the best mom in the world, I love you and I Thank God for saving you so that you could be a living example to your children. You have withstood even in the worst of times and I know I can too. To my darling sisters, Trece,Ke-ke, Pam and my baby brother AJ, I love you guys very much. To my one and only true Spiritual Sista, who has weathered the storms with me and kept me encouraged "Arrie". You know what I've learned is that, you can't call everyone your friend but you have been just that. I Thank God for you everyday and I pray God's blessings and his favour in your life. God's got so many great things in store for you, watch what I tell you.To my mom#2 I will always love you and I will never forget you for taking me into your heart as if I were your own and caring for me even now. Rhonda, you were always there. And to my father Orville, I pray that one day before it's too late that God will bring us to one another and allow us to love on one another like never before."IMMEASSURABLE" I love you guys so much and I Thank God for bringing us together and allowing our spirits to connect immediately. Look out ladies because God has got some great things in store for us. To the Home of Life Family, it's time for us to move, so let's take the ministry to a level where no ministry has yet to go. It can be done if we come together on one accord, it will be done in Jesus Name. My goals is to write and produce Gospel plays that will minister to the saved as well as the unsaved, I would love to eventually release my very own praise & worship CD and maybe one day even open up my own portrait studio as well as a decorative business for weddings, receptions, banquets, birthday parties, etc. But none of this would be possible without me acknowledging God for who he is and what he has been in my life. and that wherever he leads me or takes me in life, I am willing to follow him. Myspace Graphics
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. For Bookings Call (773)392-7552 [email protected] ..


My heroes are my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, My Honey-Bunny "My Husband", My Children and My Spiritual Leader, " The Great Rev. Johnny Henderson", My One and Only precious Mother "Debra" and My Uncle who I will never forget even though a lot has changed "Rev. Joseph B. Kelley Sr."