Gardening, music, movies, history & meeting people who can make me laugh ( it's easy!!!)
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Female & Male Friends to chat & share our lives
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A Prayer for Kaleb
A Prayer for Sara
A Prayer for Cybergranny~(Rae)
A Prayer for my sister Ann
Love all kinds of music, especially the old Motown Tunes
Enjoy sci-fi, horror, classic black & white films from the 30's 40's & 50's.
Enjoy discover, A&E, Cout Tv & all of the Law & Order, Project Runway
Mostly history about the Civil War, British & Russian history, true crime stories & Jack the Ripper
A loving heart, a gentle smile, a warm and tender touch.
We give so many things in life but nothing means as much.
A little inspiration when one loses hope.
A kind word of encouragement when they no longer seem to cope.
A simple phrase, "I love you" when no one else is there.
Taking hold onto a hand in a little heartfelt prayer.
Love is never silent for it has so much to say.
And it is our greatest blessing when we give it all away.
Hard to name...the ones who help & don't need their names in the paper. The person who holds the door for you, the person who helps out an neighbor in distress. The everyday
person who is trying to survive but never forgets that they are human
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