Barking at invisible stuff, Getting my chin scratched, Barking at people walking down the street, Running around the dining room table as much as I can, chasing lights, chasing reflections, eating bugs, chasing lightning bugs, pooping in the backyard, playing tug of war, cuddling with Ryan, playing tug of war, sleeping but most of all I love hanging out with all of Ryan's friends.
More doggies! I love to play with other doggies!
Brand New is the best!
Taking Back Sunday, Hellogoodbye, Death Cab For Cutie, My Chemical Romance, Hidden In Plain View, Count The Stars, Bright Eyes, The Postal Service, The Used, Weezer, Pretty Girls Make Graves, I think pretty much emo.
The Boondock Saints, Elf, Old School, The Royal Tenenbaums, Animal House, The Goonies, Caddyshack, Meatballs, Stripes, Napoleon Dynomite.
Family Guy!
Pretty much just Adult Swim or whatever Emmett's watching cause he watches the most T.V. in the house.
Rottweilers for dummies (I learned a lot about myself)