DJ NANDO SANZ profile picture



About Me

NANDO SANZ comienza sus contactos con la musica electronica hacia el año 1998-1999 con influencias como "Front 242","Depeche Mode" y otras de caracter mucho mas agresivo y transgresor como lo es "The Prodigy".Este joven dj no separandose de sus influencias ni un momento,empieza a tomar parte en la escena con sessiones techno en fiestas promovidas por el y su socio en el momento Segador Gonzalez,dj en pleno auge tambien en la movida madrileña actual. Dedicandose a un techno con muxa energia,rozando a veces el schranz y fresco en la mayoria de sus temas tomando por esta parte influencias como "Preach","Marco Carola" y temas del sello primate de Cristian Varela entre muchos otros.....pasando por una contundencia clara en los momentos mas adecuados de sus sessiones de la mano de "Dave Clarke","Oscar Mulero" y un largo etcetera de una variedad de techno muy seleccionada. Quiza este es el motivo por el cual ha sido invitado a fiestas rave en Madrid,Guadalajara y Toledo dando lugar a un buen puesto en todos sus carteles.Por el momento,Nando Sanz se esta centrando,aparte de sus sessiones en fiestas en sus producciones y fusiones de este tipo de musica con instrumentos como la guitarra electrica/española y con voces de colaboradores/as en su estudio,todavia en proyeccion,pero en muy poco tiempo en este link ya podremos escuchar y opinar sobre los trabajos que nos presente.Solo desearle suerte y ya pronto le veremos en las mejores salas de Madrid,España y por que no.....mas lejos......Para cualquier duda,comentario o aclaracion si no tienes [email protected] XPSL.------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------NANDO SANZ begins his contact with electronic music about the years 1998-1999 whith influences as "Front 242","Depeche mode" and others on much more agressive and transgressor as it is "The prodigy".This young dj not separating of this influences neither a moment,he begin part in the scene with techno session in parties promoted by he and his asociate in the past Segador Gonzalez,prosperous dj in the busy of Madrid current a present. Devotion to a techno with a lot of energy,brushing sometimes the schranz and fresh in the majority of this themes taking on this part influences as "Preach","Marco Carola" and themes of primate records of Cristian Varela between many others......passing by a clear forcefulness in the moment more suitable of his sessions by the hand of "Dave Clarke","Oscar Mulero" and a long etc of a variety of techno very selected.Perhaps this it is the motive by which it has been to parties rave in Madrid,Guadalajara y Toledo,giving place to a good position in all his carteles. By the moment Nando Sanz in centring, apart of his sessions in rooms and parties rave in his projections and mergers of this type of music with instruments as the guitar electronica/spanish and with voices of colaboradores/as,in his study and in the new project of colectivity for Madrid Sur,still in projection and with collaborations of several dj's of colectives Madrileños as "dj Albert",principla person collaborator also of this project. This that as other dj's in full takeoff,that were presented in one snows it paginetes of myspace very soon. In my llittle time inthis link already we will be ableto listen and to think on the works that us he should present. Only to wish you luck and already soon him we will see in the better rooms of Madrid,España and by that not....beyond.... XPSL For any doubt,commentary or explanation if you dp not have my [email protected] I give them thanks to my sister Teresa who is the best by this translation.THANK YOU.jeje;)
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Más sesiones Dj Nando Sanz Aquí
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Member Since: 4/11/2007
Influences: object width="425" height="350"
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Independiente
Type of Label: None