Nabankur Bhattacharya profile picture

Nabankur Bhattacharya

Professional tabla player and tabla teacher

About Me

Nabankur Bhattacharya, started playing the tabla at 7 years of age, his older brother Trinankur Bhattacharya taught him in the beginning. His brother remarked the rapid progress he made early on and quickly entrusted him to his uncle and renowned master Pandit Damarupani Bhattacharya. After studying classical Indian music theory for five years, he earned the "Sangeet Visharad" degree at 15 from Allahabad University. At 24, he obtained a grant from the Indian Culture Ministry, awarded yearly to the thirty most talented musicians, allowing them to continue studying under the best possible conditions. At that time he became a student of Pandit Anindo Chatterjee and has remained his disciple. Nabankur Bhattacharya has played on stages all over India and accompanied renowned musicians, singers and dancers such as Lakshmi Shankar, A. Kanan, Prova Atra and Ulhas Koshalkar. He has been performing in Africa and Europe since 2000: Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium and France of course, where he now lives.
Nabankur Bhattacharya commence l'..tude des tablas .. l'âge de 7 ans. C'est d'abord son a..n.. Trinankur Bhattacharya qui se charge de l'instruire. Tr..s vite, voyant la vitesse .. laquelle il progresse, on le confie .. son oncle, le ma..tre renomm.. Pandit Damarupani Bhattacharya. A 15 ans, il obtient le "Sangeet Visharad" de l'Universit.. d'Allahabad, apr..s avoir..tudi.. pendant cinq ans la th..orie de la musique classique indienne. A 24 ans, apr..s une s..rie de s..lections au niveau national, il d..croche la bourse qu'accorde annuellement le de la Culture indien aux trentemusiciens les plus talentueux pour leur permettre de poursuivre l'..tude de leur instrument dans les meilleures conditions possibles. Au moment, il devient l' du tr..s c..l..bre Pandit Anindo Chatterjee, dont il restera le disciple. Nabankur Bhattacharya a jou.. sur partout en Inde et a accompagn.. des musiciens,chanteurs et danseurs de renom comme Lakshmi Shankar, A. Kanan, Prova Atra ou Ulhas Koshalkar. Depuis 2000, il se produit aussi en Afrique et en Europe :,, Suisse,Belgique et bien s..r en France, o.. il est maintenant install...

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Member Since: 4/11/2007
Band Members: Nabankur Bhattacharya
Influences: Anindo Chatterjee
Sounds Like: Anindo Chatterjee

Raag Bhairavi
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

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Posted by Nabankur Bhattacharya on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:15:00 PST