I reside in the Vales of the Anduin near the Gladden Fields. we descend from the Stoor branch of Hobbits who had migrated there from Eriador around 1356.we was born in the early to mid-2400's. I was a member of a large, prosperous and respected family. My grandmother was the family matriarch and I lived in her smial. I am a curious and inquisitive Creature, and like to burrow under things to see what lay beneath.One day fishing in the Gladen fields with my friend Deagol was pulled into the water by a fish and emerged with a gold ring, we wernt to know this at the time tho it later became evident this was the one ring belonging to the dark lord sauron...witch had apparently been lost in Isildur in 2458I immediatly became ewnchanted with this object, desire to keep it for myself lead me to strangle deagol in a moment of blind rage and took the ring for myself....nothin else mattered now....it was mine...mineOn returning home i discovered that the ring had turned me invisable, wat an oportunity to steal and learn secrets i thought, i became envolved in all sorts of nasty malicious buisnesses, i became known as gollum due to the strange noises id make in my throught...i was banished from my home, despised and dissowned and wandered north along the Anduin....I Hate the light of the Sun...one day i followed a stream up into the misty mountains and found a cave that led to the roots of the mountains...I left the outside world and DECENDED INTO THE DARKNESS...For nearly 500 years we lived on an island in a subterainian lake in a cavern far below the surface...we had a small boat that id use to catch fish, and would use the ring to sneak up on orcs. Obsession for this one ring was now becoming stronger and and its grip tighter, my boady started to change, suffered a bit of alopicia and a few teeth but my Sight grew keen...Im a tough hobbit kind, tho still the ring haunted my thoughts, first i kept it in my pocked till i could stand it no longer, I then hid it in a hole on my island...it would constantly pray on my mind...they earge to keep talking it out to hold and admire it became a torment and a burden to me. tho this was MY PRECIOUS and i could not let it go...Tho one day in the summer of 2941 whilst i was on the prowl hunting orc meat, i noticed a conspicuous looking creature and became suspicious, part of me wanted to talk to him as he reminded me of my former life, tho i was mainly intetrested is how he would taste... i aproached the hobbit who seemed to be lost and proposed a riddle game with the considions that if i won id eat him, and if the filth won id show him the way out...i got angry and flusteded and lost the game and showed the hobbit the way...i then returned to my cave to descover the precious was missing...in despiration i rushed to kill bilbo but he had disapeared...Traveling in the dark of night, avoiding even moonlight i slowly followed the hobbits trail, passed through Mirkwood and through Laketown on to The shire tho found my path to be turning gradualy southward, towards Mordor...where i would catch animals to eat,snatch babys from cradles as food and explore secret tunnels and pathways... One day i was captured and brought to Barad-dur where i was questioned and tourtured, Sauron wanted information on the rings whereabouts but my will and desire for the ring was to strong to tell him, tho after days of extreme paint and stress i told him the name 'baggins' and the shire...i later escaped the captivity of Sauron and began my own quest to reclaim my precious...Our precious! yes yes i meant ours...ghhhollum, ghhhollumarrgg One day hobeling along a cliff at the edge of Emyn Muil we stumbled across two strange cararacters resting at the foot of a rock, it was them...Filty, nasty hobbits...they stole it from us...and we wants it back! wes struggled with the horrible fat hobbit and griped him in a strangle hold, the other hobbit held a sting to my throught and we had no choice but to release him...now we would need to devise a cunning plan to get to the precious...we hates them...i guessed that the hobbits were heading to mordor, i felt myself being drawn to the black lands by Saurons will but was fearfull of returning there...As soon as the hobbits closed they eyeses for sleep us tryed made an escape attempt...they ties a rope around our neckis from then on...'i swears to serve the master of the precious' i says...the fat hobbit didnt trust me but the ring formed a bond between us and the other filthy hobbit and the rope was removed...I lead them through Te Dead Mashes. When one nite a Fell Beast few overhead, that terrified me, i remained to seem friendly tho this reminded me that my 'gollum' had come forth once more...I could sense the eye of Sauron growing stronger and headed in the direction of Morannon... whilst the hobbits slept we debates with ourselves, 'Smeagol must serve the master of the precious', 'all bagginsis are enemy and they wants it for themselves', We then began to form a plan to lead them to Shelobs lair...The next day, the black gate proved to be guarded and unable to penatrate...stupid hobbits wanted to try but we knew another path...leading south to the crossroads and the eastern branch to the Morgul Vale. to the Secret Staircase...leading to the Tunnnel...later that day i slunk off into the underbush...the hobbits were aprihended by faromir and led to Henneth Annun..we follow...it was hear we descoved the Fobidden Pool...Nice and cool! i dove in to catch a fish...juicy sweet! suddenly a heared a call...it was the hobbit...We come forth and is aprehended by Anborn, and questioned by Faromir...'they betrayed us' ' Master betrayed us'! we then led the hobbits to the Stairs of Cyrith Ungol...the hobbits stopped to rest at the top of the stairs...i Stupid Fat hobbit accused me of sneaking and i lead them streight to shelob and her devices...I tracked the hobbits after they had escaped from the Tower of Cyrith Ungol...On Mount doom on march 25th, we found fat hobbit carrying frodo up the mountainside. Knowing that frodo intended to destroy the Precious i attacked him, but the hobbit attacked back, but we didnt not intend to let the precious go. i followed the into Sammath Naur and struck the fat hobbit on the head from behind...frodo had claimed the ring and put it on tho we founds him and struggled despiratly on the edge of the Cracks of Doom...we bit of the hobbitsis finger and took the ring...overwhelmed with excitement and destracted with joy i feel over the edge towards the fiery chasm bellow, screaming 'precious, tho was most are unaware of we did not die we found our way to Myspaces...My Pressssioussssss
'They do not sees what liess ahead wen sun was failed and moon id dead'"Where iss it, where iss it: my Precious, my Precious? It's ours, it is, and we wants it. The thieves, the thieves, the filthy little thieves. ''the precious will be ours, once the hobbisis are dead''
You are like Gollum and i have one word for you...PRECIOUS!