GOOD graff, large living spaces, lusting after new electronic components that I'll never afford, keeping safe on the interstate, sleeping, eating, maxin', heavily ornamented doodads and textiles.
"married" status is a state of mind, not a notarized document of joint tax filing.
Man Man, and any other music that sounds like it's being produced by people with mustaches. Anyone have a good recommendation for car speakers? I'm thinking Eclipse..
Mon Oncle was surprizingly good. It's in the theatres now (if you're living in the 60s in France).
The Office US has been getting a fair amount of rotation, Sopranos as well (we're on the 4th season... the 3rd season sucked royally). I'm thinking it's projector-time once we come into some cash, see ya later 30" Trinitron- hello 30' 1080p HD wall.
on hiatus until I get some time during the day.
Eve, period(.)