Battlestar Trident-BSR 22 profile picture

Battlestar Trident-BSR 22

About Me

Trident's Banner

Hello, and Welcome aboard the Battlestar Trident BSR-22! We are a correspondence chapter of the Colonial Defense Forces. Our (Columbia - Class) Battlestar, is in the 6th Fleet; which covers Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas. We are proud of being the first Battlestar formed, in the state of Texas. So come on', join and be part of the action! "So Say We All"

How I made my profile:
I used 's amazing MySpace Editor .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Battlestar Trident Website

Copy and Paste this domain to go to the Trident Website

Trident's Command

Commodore - Mick Moreau

Greetings, I'm Mick and I am a long time fan of both series. I hail from a small town south of Dallas, Texas, but originally come from New York. I'm 44, have a wife and son and am active in many different groups. I have an unending list of hobbies as well, lol. "Jack of all Trades, Master of none". I participate, in a faire, about the Renaissance and 1533 England. When not involved in that, there is always re-enacting (different time periods from 1750's, longhunting, Civil War and WW2). There is also Paintball. I look forward to meeting you and others within the Fleet.
Mick Moreau - Commodore

CO: Commander Ron Dawley

XO: Lieutenant John Wieger

Operations Officer: Lt.JG Major Self

Chief of Engineering: Lt. Jeremy Skelton

Communications: Lieutenant John Johnston

Navigation Officer: Vacant

Officer of the Deck: Vacant

Chief of Security: Captain Joe Parr II

Trident's Marines

MARDET CMDR: Captain Joe Parr II

Trident's Fleet Officers

C.A.G: Lieutenant Matthew Bartlett
62nd FS Leader: Lt. Gregory Knight

LTJG Sherri Dawley

Ensign Dakota Pendergrass
Ensign Tony Sanchelo
Ensign Virgina Keller
Ensign Lisa Sanchelo

Ensign Nick Ward

Trident's Fleet Enlisted

CMDR's Aide: PO2 Jessica Dickinson

Trident's Civilians

Senior Nurse: Christine Perry

Chaplain: Wendy Smith

My Blog

Newsletter: Trident Times - November 2007

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Posted by on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 00:13:00 GMT