Battlestar Trident Website
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Trident's Command
Commodore - Mick Moreau
Greetings, I'm Mick and I am a long time fan of both series. I hail from a small town south of Dallas, Texas, but originally come from New York. I'm 44, have a wife and son and am active in many different groups. I have an unending list of hobbies as well, lol. "Jack of all Trades, Master of none". I participate, in a faire, about the Renaissance and 1533 England. When not involved in that, there is always re-enacting (different time periods from 1750's, longhunting, Civil War and WW2). There is also Paintball. I look forward to meeting you and others within the Fleet.
Mick Moreau - Commodore
CO: Commander Ron Dawley
XO: Lieutenant John Wieger
Operations Officer: Lt.JG Major Self
Chief of Engineering: Lt. Jeremy Skelton
Communications: Lieutenant John Johnston
Navigation Officer: Vacant
Officer of the Deck: Vacant
Chief of Security: Captain Joe Parr II
Trident's Marines
MARDET CMDR: Captain Joe Parr II
Trident's Fleet Officers
C.A.G: Lieutenant Matthew Bartlett
62nd FS Leader: Lt. Gregory Knight
LTJG Sherri Dawley
Ensign Dakota Pendergrass
Ensign Tony Sanchelo
Ensign Virgina Keller
Ensign Lisa Sanchelo
Ensign Nick Ward
Trident's Fleet Enlisted
CMDR's Aide: PO2 Jessica Dickinson
Trident's Civilians
Senior Nurse: Christine Perry
Chaplain: Wendy Smith