Movies, skating, my animal, fixing toilets, live music, stitchin' & bitchin', Lone Star, staying home, boys, sleeping.
I don't really like people much but I'd like to meet Steve Martin.
The Pixies, Arcade Fire, Dressy Bessy, ELO, GnR, Prince, Sound Team, The Black Angels, The Amps, KRS1, The White Stripes, Heart, Concret Blonde, Portishead, Bowie, The Stones, lots of local music and Vanilla Ice.
Donnie Darko, The Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys, The Virgin Suicides, Chumscruber, The Last Castle, Fight Club, Dawn of the Dead (new), The Shinning, Full Metal Jacket, Spun, Suburbia (old), American Beauty, Gleaming the Cube, Natural Born Killers, Batman (new), The Sweetest Thing, anything with Steve Martin, Robert Redford, Gael Garcia, Chloe Sivigny(?), Kate Winslet, Fairuza Balk, Clint Eastwood, Scarlet Johanson, or the middle Caulkin brother.
Rock of Love! (Come on Jess & Sam!)
Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Middlesex
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. . . Dream. . . Discover. -Mark Twain