Music. Family. Friends. Sleep. Movies. Denny's. My new apartment. Hmm.. the list will go on.
.. You scored as shrooms. you are shrooms you like to trip and see hallucinations you can do this drug in diff ways they are not addicting
individuals that are interesting and don't get tiresome after a couple real conversations.and Quinne yum
I like that old time rock and roll. embed enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"style='display:none' src='' AUTOSTART='True'
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, A Clockwork Orange, SLC Punk, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Punch Drunk Love, Edward Scissor Hands, Garden State, Don Hertzfeldt cartoons, BeetleJuice, Momento...
Not a big fan.
Too many, my head overflows. But EVERYBODY needs to read all the Chuck Palahniuk books. He's a goddamned genius.
Adam... Tim Curry... Mr. Mojo Risen, Mr. Hunter (my junior year math teacher).. My dad.