We love comics, gaming, manga, import toys and just about anything collectible or interesting. Apart from what we have in the store we are all big time movie watchers and all of us like to read many many books.
Ashley Wood is tops on Erin's list. Tom and Erin both get to mark Mike Mignola off their lists in September when they attend BaltimoreCon.
There is no telling what may be playing when you come in the store. At any time there couple be all different types of music going on. Right now we have Amy Winehouse, Mastodon, Clutch, Kelly Clarkson, Alkaline Trio, He Is Legend, Compulsion, Snow Patrol and many others spinning in the 25 disc changer we prefer over the radio or a TV.
We are heavily afflicted with movies at Plan 9 Comics. We don't sell them because you can only have so many pots boiling on the stove, but we certainly watch them and can special order anything you might be looking for. We recently convinced Tom to watch all 4 Harry Potters and have been known to have marathons of 3 and 4 DVDs in a given night after we close down the shop. Erin thinks everyone should watch The City of Lost Children as soon as possible.
Erin and his wife don't have cable so they are forced to watch DVDs of the TV shows everyone else saw last year like Good Eats, House and Scrubs. Amanda watches poo shows like Trading Spaces and really anything where people screw up each others homes and then you have to awkwardly sit there and cringe for the last 10 minutes of the show as they reveal the monstrosities to the poor folks. We have no idea what Tom watches on TV because he has been watching nothing but DVDs of Enterprise for the last month.
Erin likes Kurt Vonnegut, Haruki Murakami, Stanislaw Lem, Russell Hoban, Italo Calvino and some other people that you might have heard of like Michael Crichton. Amanda reads books too and I have heard Tom reads stuff like the novel Armor when he doesn't have to read crap for school. Also, HARRY POTTER RULES. That is all.
Heroes are our business, but it must be said that HELLBOY is the greatest hero of all time. Tom keeps saying that he is ... but who listens to Tom?