fuck off..!
everyones life is differnt dont think you got the right to tell someone you dont like what they do also im am loud i am also chill i can be night and day i perfer night again the way you act is how i react futher more i am so done with myspace and the pain and hard ships it has caused me so fuckin what bitch go tell someone who cares...!! no one reads this shit anyways unless they hate you and are lurking or they love you and there lurking either way if you read this thank youi love my friends cause they love me no matter what..!
stoned,drunk,sober.. if i am me just good ol' dion i've said it once i will say it againall i can be is me
hate it or love it life is good.......!! i dont need a guy to make me happy....!!!!!i love my family
my mom is the most coolest loving sweet smart lady ever..! my sisters are amazing im taking life one step at a time i will never rush into anything again..! i learned my lesson you fuck me over once shame on you.. fuck me over twice shame on me life as of now and so fourth is changingNOTHING IS WRONG WITH CHANGE ..!
you can grow up and be a kid still im living proof people STOP ARGUING..! be aware what is going on in the world hummmm.. i may look like i party but i am aware of shitWe are destroying our planet more and we act so oblivious its sad