About Me

Thiis Is Me && My CouSin..
My Myspace isnt on Private
because i dont have anything to hide
By the way i wont add u if i dont know you.
My name is Korissa..!
I have come to realize
in this world u cant trust anyone
All u have is ur self
Family && friends backstabb you
Its a bitchhh
Why cant we all just get along??
wE Only have one life to live
And it could be cut short at any moment
But yet we want to fight about stupid shitt
Once ur gone ur gone.. ur not coming backkk!!
Remember that
Im Single. im the worst girlfriend ever. [period]
I want to live my life how i want to
Everything does happen for a reason
Ive come to realize u always want what u cant have
When things come to easy you take them for granteed
I am a true friend. Ill be there till the end
If u get on my bad siide ill be your worst enemy
But thats On YoUU!!
I LoVe Photograpy.//Poems// Quotes.!
I LiKKe MaKiNg FuNny FaCeS =]
My Birthday is July 1st 1989.!
I CursE AlOt.Get the Fuck over it
I go to Pacifica High School
Class of DoUbLe 0 SevEn I drive a 96' Honda Civic. GHETTO FABULOUS!!
Im laid back, SHy at First.
I put a front up// guard up
because ive been hurt way too many times.
I am Not Selfish. I dont look down on anyone
Basically if u dont talk to me. i wont talk to you
I dont understand whyy girls love to hatee me..?
These giirls dont even know me and they are talking shiit.
I got something they want =]
its cool though because im strong
and im not going to let anyone get me down. Trust.
I've Learned not to give my love away so easily
No Girl should ever be called a bitch.
No matter what.
I LoVe to Laugh.♥
Im scared of being in the dark Alone :<.
I dont like to see people sad.
everyone is going to hurt you sooner or later
you just have to decide who's worth the pain..
Im always there for anyone
even if i dont know them.
So You Know who to talk to when your sad :].
BeCauSe i know WHat IT feElS lIke
To hAVe No One TO TURn too.
I Gett Bored ReALLie EaSily.
I Like To be A DOrK && MaKE PEoPLe laUGh.
EveRy Night is a FuNn NiGhT wiTh My GiRlS && I!
RoSCoeS ChIckEn && WaFfElS iS soO GooD&hearts;
Im not into the drugg scene.
I dont like people who think its so cool to get high. when its not.!
I DOnt LikE GiRlS Who
SwEar TheY ARe Bii Or LeSbiAn.
JuSt BecAuSe You MaDe Out With a Girl
DoesNt MeaN ur Bii Or Lesbian. GEt oVeR it..
Theres so many fake people in this world its unbeileveable.
Stand up for what you believe in - even if your standing alone. Just be your fucken self
who cares if people dont like you.
the way i see it. not everyone is gunna like you
everyone is going to talk shit. so just be true to yourself.
I've been threw alot of shit. but i dont need your pitty.
Most People have it worse.
I am so Grateful For my Friends && FaMily
without them i dont know where i would be.
I thiNk Everyone should just live lifee and fukk the drama.
I beileve in karma.
what goes around comes around.
I dont like two faced bitches.
Be straight out with me i can handle it.
i like to do anything that is fun and intresting.
For the MoSt Part..i WiLL try AnyThing Atleast once.
I like To Go OuT AlOt aNd haVe FuN with The GuRLs. i to stay out of trouble.
..JuSt BeCause You Can sEE me On the outside
doesn't mean you know me on the inside
.Most People think they know mE but
They really have no clue who i really am.
Alot of people talk shit
but it doesnt bother me
as long as you say it to my face
and not behind my back.
LoVe me Or HatE mE.
ii am who i am
and im not going to change for anyone!! &hearts;

My Interests

I think I..

-Cell Phone
-Easy going
-Ungrateful [at times]


Today isn't about missing yesterday
or dreaming about tomorrow. It's about
living in the moment, enjoying the minutes.
It's about spending time with those who make you laugh.
The ones that cause you to laugh to hard and
smile to wide. Don't worry about what others think.
All that matters is today and this moment right now,
right here. Enhance this moment and let it sink in,
for it will never exsist again. And now it's gone,
it's over with, just like that. Life will pass
you by in a heartbeat and so will the people around you,
so hold on. Hold onto those precious souls who
treat you like you deserve to be treated and let
go of those who don't. Don't dwell on the past,
for it will never return. Miss those who have passed
to a much better world than that of here on earth.
Those who have gone to heaven and danced with angels.
Miss them but don't forget them. Don't forget them for
they are not gone, not gone forever. Their spirit dances
around you and brings hope and strength to the moments
of weakness; Moments in which you do miss the yesterdays
but dread the tomorrows. Because along with the
tomorrows comes a day further from their exsistence
on earth. So what is today?
It's it. It's everything.


Thiis is where i wanna be one dayy3 NYC.


o0oh boyy. where do i begin with this girl. well to start off with. we have been threw alot. sooo muchh i cant even begin to tell you. wow. but throughout everything we are close noww. i really do love her to death and even though she did me wrong. she is my fuken sister and no one can replace her. i love her threw thick and thin. &hearts;

Paola Alvarez She is a true friend. i know she has my back when i need her. just like i have hers. she has been there for me through a lot of shitt. and ive been there for her. we have soo much fun when we are together. Balddinn' [inside joke] ha. I love this giirl to death. without her. i dunno what i would do!!! She's My hero. &hearts;

My Blog

ALL About MEe!

Get to Know Me...About You...NicknameKissa. or KK.SexFemale =]Eye ColorHazleHair ColorRedHeight5'7ishFavorite ColorGreen Or Blue.Screen NameblondeonfridaysYour CarHonda Civic.Your HometownAnahiemYour ...
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