Member Since: 6/4/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Abel & Cain
Influences: Bukowski, Celine, Homero, Virgil, The Bible, The tibetan book of the dead, Dante, Mishima, Shakespeare and Early Modern English Theatre, Arnold, Rimbaud, Marina, Laforgue, Yeats, Donne, Baudelaire, Conrad, Tennyson, Frazer, Hulme, Pound, Artaud, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Comte de Lautréamont, Mallarmé, Jorge Luis Borges, T. S. Eliot, Stefan George, Michel Houellebecq, Walter Benjamin, Théophile Gautier, Joseph de Maistre, Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft, Mickiewickz, Abutardarts, Erice, Wilde, Byron, Milton, Wenders, Lynch, Malle, Beat generation writers, Southey, A. de Musse...and The allmighty unseen force, that make all things possible...
Sounds Like: F*Champs Jasta pista MixtapeCaino In NemesiaMusic!
Record Label: Arkestra/CrackTown Music
Type of Label: Indie