Anime, Music, Videogames, Comics, Psychological Thrillers, Boredom, Christianity, Religion, Stupid People..yes stupid people are interesting.
Anyone who's willing to laugh for the rest of their lives.
Dream Theater,Demon Hunter, Figure Four, 77s, Starflyer 59, Joy Electric, MxPx, Huntintongs, P.O.D., The Halo Friendlies, Sebna, Guardian, Stavesacre, Zao, Living Sacrifice, Blindside, Project 86, Pedro The Lion, Twothirtyeight, Stretch Arm Strong, Larry Norman, Nek, Leviticus, Barnabas, Bride, Fanmail, Pony Express, Jupiter James, Yoko Kanno, The Seatbelts, Jam Project, Yuki Kajiura, EDL, One Bad Pig, Dead Poetic, Bon Voyage, Pony Express, Jupiter James, Underoath, Otep, Qbo, MAP, Richard Swift, Richard Cheese, Molotov, Sowelu, Olivia Lufkin and Anything by Jason Martin and/or Ronnie Martin.
I'm picky with movies.
Television does not exist
Anything now adays really
Dios, Jesucristo, My folks, My brothers.