philiptheg profile picture


I need some good drumming....

About Me

Currently studing automation and drummer at a funk-rock-DISCO band!

give me the groove and i'll drum it like i mean it...
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

people who care enough to make a change!
Musicians Who do it for the MusiC!

Apola thelw eleytheros na plew sta xai tou kosmou an enas filos mou meine na fygei na perasei ki otan zitisei o thanatos ta plouti pou xw masei sena pikria mou aperanti monaxo na xw vios mou

Koitas makria ma den mou les ti vlepeis Milas swsta ma den mou les ti ksereis etsi kai egw den tha sou pw pote mou pws panta tha se agapw...
Stixoi apo to poiima Strofes (nipethi)tou Karywtaki

Ki anazitw sta lipira tragoudia ma den mporw na vrw alla kainouria Ti itan kai ayto to ksafniko thee mou Pira monodromo akrivo

kai kanw eyxes san peftoune ta asteria ma esi den thes na rtheis ta kalokairia svise kai ayto to oneiro xameno kourastika na nostalgw...
Ypogeia Reymata-Koitas Makrya



Taste Of Honey-Boggie Oogiethnx to Satyros Larousse


The less i watch the more i like it!!


Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Connan DoylePoetry by Kwstas Karywtakis


Steve Gadd and Dave Weckl