::all aBouT SPYING: sPy oRgs, spY sHowS, sPy sTorIes, Spy GadGets, sPy aCtiOn, uNdErcOveR, aliAsEs, DetEcTiveS, fOreNsicS, CriMe sCenEs, pOliCe chaSeS, mArTiaL aRts:: ::MISSIONARY WORK:: ::tRaveL, wiLdLife, eXpLoriNg naTurE, ouTdoOr aCtiVitieS suCh aS hiKinG, caMpinG aNd siGhTseEing, pSycHoLogY, huManiTaRian sErviCe, Ska, punK, eMo, reGgaE, aCtiNg, arTs anD cRafTs, bOokS, faShiOn, foOd, arChiTectUre, my neiCieS---chArLize LeiGh "pOoCh" aNd LanA alySsa "caRebeAr"::::i wanna be involved in some secret service-espionage-combat missions-rescue operations thing! i want every episode in alias, C.S.I, mission impossible, true lies, spy game, fastlane, undercover, silence of the lambs, combat missions and las vegas to happen to me! i love to get involved in every clandestine operation that is destined to protect millions of lives in the process of risking my life in fighting bloodthirsty terrorists. i love to get involved in hostage negotiations, the thrill and the scare of talking to criminals and the idea the lives of millions lie on every word that i say is exhilarating! i love to get involved in rescue operations...dodging bullets, thunderstorms, earthquakes to save lives. i wanna be a public servant. i love to get involved in every public service operation where i can give every part of me to those who have none. i wanna do something positive, something universally significant, something productive that will create a wonderful change in the world and create a wonderful change in me at the same time.i wanna be involved in causes where i can contribute my intelligence, my talents and ideas in an effort to promote better lives. i wanna get involved in life-threatening situations just so that millions of lives will no longer be threatened. i will i will not only help people lead good lives, but my life will be a lot better because of them::
::all daredevils:: ::[email protected]::
::taKinG baCk sUndAy, dAshBoarD cOnfeSsionaL, aLL aMeriCan RejeCts, Fall OuT bOy, yELLow cArd, buCk-o-ninE, sTorY of thE yEar, siMpLe pLan, cOhEed aNd cAmbRia, a New fOund gLory:: ::THE LIGHT WITHIN:: ::mY cHeMicaL rOmanCe, FinCh, aMbeR paCifiC, tHe uSed, bLinK 182, biG moUntaiN, reeL biG fiSh, thE hipPos, ub40, aVriL LaviGne, jeSsE mcCarTney, hiGh sChooL muSicaL::
::sPy GaMe, BlaCk hAwk DowN, wE weRe sOldiErS, bEhinD eNemY LinEs, wHitE cHickS, tHe PaciFieR, bAd coMpaNy, The hUntEd, silEncE of The LAmbS, tHe pAtriOt, hiGh sChooL muSicAL, sTePfoRd wiVes, 50 fiRsT daTeS, sEreNdiPitY, a SeriEs of UnfOrtuNate EveNts, corPsE bRidE, juManJi, a BeauTifuL miNd, mEaN GirLs, aQuaMaRinE, liTtle ManHatTan::
::AliAs, cSi, Csi miAmi, cRimiNaL miNdS, fAsTLane, LaS VegAs, 24, WithOut a TrAce, jAkE 2.0, UndeRcoVer, coMbaT miSsiOns, Tru cAlliNg, pOinT pLeaSaNt, gHoSt whiSpeRer, dEsPerAte hOusEwiveS, gRey'S aNatoMy, ugLy beTtY, spoNgeBoB sQuArePanTs, ruGrAts, thE simPsoNs, dArk AngeL, suPerNaTuraL, giLmoRe girLs, 7tH heAveN, bRotheRs anD siSteRs, cHaRmed, niGhT viSioNs, wiLL anD gRacE, sPin City, 8 siMpLe ruLes, LiviNg wiTh fRan, 2 aNd a haLf mAn::
::bY wAy oF DeCeptiOn, tHe AliEniSt, a SoliTarY daNce, DiviNe SecRets Of the Ya-Ya SisTerHoOd, oF tiMe anD meMoRy, imAgeS of tHe hoLocAusT:: ::BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US:: ::tHe LittLe priNcE, fOuR LetTerS of LovE, gAp cReeK, cHicKen SoUp, rEadEr's DigEst, aRchitecTurAL digEsT, sWeeT vaLLey, w.i.t.c.h.::