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Joan Jodree

Follow your dreams

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator.. width="425" height="350" ..I'm into the whimsical side of things and the wonder of things. Music is my ultimate joy and passion in life. No matter what, music will never go. I'm a silly one, I love to laugh and be goofy. Two people call me 'flipper' for my machine-gun laugh, but I rather like it :). My family is pretty goofy too, it's all in the genetics. Then there are my friends, who can also be very giggly. And especially the Baber, he's pretty goofy, too. Da Baber is the funniest of 'em all - keeps me smiling every moment. Life is all too short, but I try and live every experience as fully as possible, because today is today. What's important is that we love and live completely, whatever that means for us individually. I've got a lot of places I still want to see: New Zealand (tops of my list - who can resist those images of the land and sea in LOTR, The Piano, Chronicles of Narnia and Whale Rider), Nassau, China (I'd like to climb that Great Wall), Russia (I hear that the colors of the buildings are simply amazing), Prague, our national parks - Utah has some I'd really love to see, Montana, Japan (been to the airport en route to Manila), Bali, Chicago (never been outside the airport or train station, but I'd like to hear/experience some live jazz there), so many more places.... All in alll, I'm quite the mix-up of things and likes and loves. I'm an amalgam of passions and am blessed and contented with the synchronicities of my life. Everything happens for a grand reason and there is a lesson to be learned from it all. Though I'm left of center, I'm pretty happy to be right where I am and that's just how I like it.

My Interests

MyGen Profile GeneratorDa Baber, writing music, black and white keys, listening to music, being with family and friends, concert-going, yoga, traveling, laughing (and making people laugh), cooking, hiking, camping, walking, swimming, kayaking, making jewelry, photography, art (esp. Dali), theatre, dance, film, poetry, snorkeling, wandering and exploring this vast world, meeting people of all walks of life, dreaming, learning all there is to learn while we're here.

I'd like to meet:

Family.... old friends (going back to Brentwood would be fun, but the Palms contingent is already mostly on friendSter anyhow)..... new friends....... just basically keeping up with everyone
You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.



Cultural Creative













What is Your World View?
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Dude, what a loaded question..... me? music? My Passion is Music. I love it ALL. As far as favorites.... hmmmm..... Tori Amos, Natalie Merchant, John Lennon/Paul McCartney/The Beatles, Joni Mitchell, 10.000 Maniacs, Peter Gabriel (What a blessing it was to see him at WOMAD in Seattle!), Sting, Prince, Bjork, Alicia Keys, Bob Dylan, Benny Green, Sade, Beck, Keith Jarrett, Sinead O'Connor, Depeche Mode, OMD, Jill Scott, Billie Holiday, Jane Siberry, Jonatha Brooke, U2, Fiona Apple, ani difranco, Eliades Ochoa, Bowie, Gwen Stefani/No Doubt, pj harvey, liz phair, india.arie, New Order, Lauryn Hill (not her acoustic stuff tho), The Cure, Sheila Chandra, Madonna, Rickie Lee Jones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sarah McLachlan, Shawn Colvin, portishead, Beastie Boys, Stevie Wonder, John Legend, , James Taylor, Blind Boys of Alabama, Chaka Khan, The Police, Coldplay, Outkast, BEP's, De La Soul, Led Zeppelin, Stones, kd lang, Rachael Yamagata, Imogen Heap/Frou Frou, Morcheeba, catie curtis, the sugarcubes, Emiliana Torrini, the sundays, Jeff Buckley, Jane's addiction, indigo girls, Lucinda Williams, Afro Celt Sound System, George Winston..... film scores like LOTR, Narnia, The Piano, Pleasantville, Star Wars, and soundtracks, again on and on and on...... going to have to come back to this question because it's just waaaay too loaded........ width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


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Click Here to put this video in your profile!Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Notebook, Love & Sex, Amelie, Joy Luck Club (reminds me of my Mama, Lola's, Aunties), The Little Mermaid (I sang "Part of Your World" a capella & got the part of Susan Pevensie back in the day), Love Me If You Dare, Sex & Lucia, Secretary, Beaches, LOTR (all three), Star Wars, Dead Poets' Society, Anne Of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Terms of Endearment, Mirrormask.... and then for the lighter side, Go (The dude conversing with a cat while catatonic is just too much fun - that and the macarena in the supermarket), Snatch (follows the same kind of humor as Go), Top Secret (go Mateo summercamp movies!)


MyGen Profile GeneratorTony has me totally into the new Battlestar Galactica (a throwback from the past and watching the original with Manong AR, Rani, Derek and Adda)....., House, 30 Minute Meals, Everyday Italian, the CSIs, Design on a Dime


MyGen Profile GeneratorSiddhartha by Herman Hesse, Woman Hollering Creek - Sandra Cisneros, The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale - Claude Steiner, The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron


My Lola Celing was the embodiment of Unconditional Love no matter what and was married for more than 50 years and was just the warmest, most loving person I've ever known. I always felt such complete joy in her presence. She made the best food, omg, her arroz caldo was the best on the planet. She always found a way to make you laugh or smile and was never bashful for being silly. And the way she devoted herself and gave freely of herself to anyone who needed anything at all was absolutely amazing. I remember her laughter and now and then I hear my Dad laughing just like her and remember her, too. One of the most compassionate, strong, merciful, beautiful human beings I've ever met. ~My Mama for her strength of spirit to get through profound obstacles. For giving me the chance to follow and live my dreams. For her silly, off-key singing and ultra goofiness that people never saw. For our 'fake' Asian dialect that always made me laugh. For her great style and grace. For giving me opportunities in life that she never had a chance to do, because she wanted me to experience as much life as possible and I am Ever grateful. For her cooking, wow I wish she had written down those recipes. For loving me in her own way and guiding me to who I am today. And for watching over me and my loved ones from heaven as we fall and make 1000 mistakes and learn and grow. For naming me after a saint and her favorite actress (Audrey) which gives me my unique name. For her cranky, crabby ways that were really just a cover-up for being the most sensitive woman who really loved her husband and anak. I will always be her nakongko.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Blog

Philippines trip 2006

I went to the Philippines for my cousin Carlo's wedding to the lovely BeL and had a profound visit with my relatives there.I love to travel and it always humbles me to leave the country and see the wo...
Posted by Joan Jodree on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:02:00 PST

moving quotes

some quotes that have moved me lately......   from "THE CENTER OF THE WORLD" (PBS documentary)   Mario Cuomo: Teilhard de Chardin, great French Jesuit paleontologist and a philosopher...
Posted by Joan Jodree on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:34:00 PST

Tracie the Whoodle

Today is a new day.  I'm headed to an animal hospital in a few hours to meet MY FIRST EVER DOG, Tracie.  Thanks to the wonderful folks at Perfect Pet Rescue, I will soon go with T to get her...
Posted by Joan Jodree on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 05:13:00 PST