Movies, music, fashion, and great liturature.
Anyone worth remebering.
you're the conor that is bright eyes. you keep
pulling out brillant beautiful songs from your
head and they just get better. you rock the
house down on stage and are a sweet shy kid off
of it. you're the best conor to date.
which conor oberst are you?
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Now living in seattle it is hard not to love underground music. Everything from grunge to folk, angry chick music of the indie rock persuation, gosple, punk, even a little rap. Most music if it is done well i will like.
Plenty of favorites.
Gilmore Girls is so addicting it is rediculious. I take tuesdays off from work to watch it. Grey's anatomy, friends, scrubs, leave it to beaver, I love Lucy, and many more.
The Great Gatsby, Lennon Remebers, Into the Wild, Lord of the Flies, The Grapes fo Wrath, the sisterhood of the traveling pants, and many more.
Anyone who has the balls to stand up for what they believe in.