eating, sleeping, drinking very good beer (non of that piss water crap like Bud... gross!) and the occasional 10mi hike to jump off a bridge with a cord strapped around my feet is always fun!
I welcome all peoples into my life... Anyone and everyone. People who are plain old fucking crazy... because those are the types I call attention to. Please no men over 35... as those are the only ones that take an interest in me.
Anything by Trent and the NIN gang! He will be my husband someday....Foo Fighters, No Doubt, Weezer.... those are all bands I think are cool, I don't care if you don't like them.
"EVERY WOMANS FANTASY 3" Everything by Quentin Tarantino... he's a flippin genius..."SIN CITY" "RED VIOLIN" and "LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE"
I don't own a television...I'm really liking "Smallville" "Grey's Anatomy" and "Gilmore Girls" right now... I know I'm a geek... don't make fun.
anything by Dr. Sues and "Like Water For Chocolate"
Mr. Larson... my high school photo teacher! He rocks!