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Anything that just flat out makes you shake your head....without drums it would just be a crazy drunk guy singing by himself. With that said here are some bands I like....The Flaming Lips, The Violent Femmes,The Velvet Underground, The Ramones, Mr. Airplane Man, Muse, The New York Dolls, Black Flag, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, R.E.M. ,The Union Dead, Greenday, The Eagles Of Death Metal, The Dead Milkmen, Beck, The Briggs, THE CLASH, Rage ATM, and thanks to REV. MIKE....I just started getting into the Misfists but I'm still deciding if I like them enough to place in my favs but they are worth mentioning. Black Sabbath, OURS, The turtles, and anything with a bad ass mofo groove thats so thick it makes you drive your car into a brick wall going 120 miles per hour ,and after you climb out of the wreck you realize you don't care because the radio still works. Music should make you wanna fu$k, dance or create the perfect backround music to a bar fight (think of fight club and you'll get the picture) anything thats fun!!
Boondock Saints, Labyrinth , Underworld (1 and 2), BramS. Dracula, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Thank You For Smoking, Pulp Fiction, The Fearless Freaks, Punk:Attitude, 4 doors, attack of the 50 foot women, Monty Python :the holy grail, Monty python: the life of Brian, Lock, Stock and Two smokin barrels, Be Cool, Rocky Horror Picture Show.I've seen over a thousand easily and I have about 200+ ticket stubs to prove where I was...No I never killed that man.
The History Ch., robot chicken, family guy, forensic files, Travel,DOG FIGHT!!!!!!! WW2 FIGHTER JETS
Anything with serial killers, romeo and juliet, catcher in the rye, Heavier then heaven, The Rise Of Christian Nationalism KINGDOM COMING, Lies My teacher Told Me, The Humanist Manifestos I and II, Addicted To War, Common Sense, The Way To Wealth by Ben Franklin and more to come I'm sure...Magazine subscriptions: The Nation, The Humanist, Rolling Stone. Outdoor Photography, Popular Photography & Imaging, Budget Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, The Green Pages, Tattoo! and more to come I'm sure....