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Crunk 4 Christ

Its the Official Crunk 4 Christ My Space page. It's NOT ABOUT US ITS ALL ABOUT GOD!!!

About Me

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I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Crunk 4 Christ Praise Ministries started out as a radio show on 100.3 The Beat KATZ-FM and has became one of the premier ministries in St. Louis. The ministry is headed up by Hypeman Dwight Stone and Warner, two individuals that love the Lord and love getting Crunk 4 Christ. "Our goal here is to put a new spin to gospel music and show people especially young people that you can still be Crunk but do for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." God is never going to change but WE will continue to change in the ways that we praise Him. We also want to make sure that we can help bring up and promote the area of gospel through mix cd's, hosting events and concerts. We dont do this for any type of recognition because the only recognition that we want to receive is from our Father in Heaven telling us well done thy good and faithful servants. We want to encourage more young people to come to Christ and to join us because especially in St. Louis it is beginning to look more like a competition. But that is not us we want to make sure that we are in full support of anyone doing anything sincere for Christ. So if you have and event or anything we can get the word out. We are about growth and purfication helping others just the way God has blessed us through our concerts and events. From their first concert Crunk For Christ Concert feat Dr. Charles G. Hayes and the Warriors performing their number 1 hit single "Work it Out" to this past January with Canton Jones and Friends to this upcoming June with Dewayne Woods and When Singers Meet, and the CD Release Party for Crunk 4 Christ Vol 3 later this year these two want to show God that they are excited (Crunk) for Him. Big ups to our church FTMBC where Mike Jones is the pastor, Minister Loyd, Dre Hilton, Thisl, Chris and Kyle, Praiz, and all of our supporters God Bless you and Let's take back over the world in Jesus Name. ITS KINGDOM BUSINESS!!!!

My Interests

.. Jesus, Pastor Jones' Sermons, Wrestling, Praising God, Gospel Mixtapes

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Dont watch much television but we would have to say WWE, Run's House (A good show without all the negative aspects),SportsCenter, Everybody Hates Chris, Lift every voice, The Cosby Show, Sanford and Sons, My Brother and Me and 24 our boy Jack Bauer is off the chain).


The Bible, The Purpose Driven Life, Battlefield of The Mind, Your Best Life Now, Think and Grow Rich, Me and My Big Mouth, Approval Addiction


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My Blog

Tickets are not yet available

Tickets for the concert will be available prayerfully by next Monday so until then mark your calendar.   God Bless
Posted by Crunk 4 Christ on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:46:00 PST


Whats up everyone, this yo boy Warner, one half of the Crunk 4 Christ Crew. I figured that you know even though I'm behind the scenes a lot God puts certain things on my heart to say but I dont really...
Posted by Crunk 4 Christ on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:18:00 PST


If you would like to book the Crunk 4 Christ Crew consisting of Hypeman D. Stone and Warner then email us at [email protected] Send us your request in writing along with the name of the e...
Posted by Crunk 4 Christ on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 03:23:00 PST

Concerts Around the St. Louis Area

Upcoming Gospel Concerts around the St. Louis area. Remember dates are subject to be changed. Dewayne Woods and When Singers Meet----October  31------Friendly Temple MB Church
Posted by Crunk 4 Christ on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:15:00 PST

A MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn't it strange how 3 hours seem so long when you're at...
Posted by Crunk 4 Christ on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:13:00 PST


What's good people, It's Ya Hypeman D. Stone along wit ya boy Warner and we are letting you know that the CD of all CD's is now available. It's Crunk 4 Christ Volume 3 the highly anticipated follow up...
Posted by Crunk 4 Christ on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:14:00 PST