..I am interested in all types of things, I like to try new things and see eveything, I am not embarrased about anything. I am a very curious person and that sometimes gets me into trouble.
..As many female porno stars as I can. I also would like to meet most of our bands influences with music. Flesh feild, VNV Nation,Funker Vogt,Suicide Commandos,Juno Reactor,Wumpscut Assembladge 23{Just meet them last year at a show that rocked in Indy They are very good people} and all other music in that category.
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..I like all movies, Some better than others. The fifth Element Robocop The crow movies Any Anime Matrix trilogy Hercules seasons Lord of the rings trilogy most porn movies la blue girl series
..Dont watch too much of it. Could care less what is on, or who is on. but whats on I'll whatch when I am bored
..Dont have time to read, Life is too busy, but I liked the Dark tower series from Stephen King.
..My dad he's the man I have always aspired to be like with twists of my own.