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Somaya Reece Life is not about living forever, it's about creating something that will live on after

About Me

1.) I only check this account once-or-twice weekly. And ONLY to add the pages of requests received. Meaning, IF YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE, CHANCES ARE I WILL NEVER EVEN SEE IT (I'm sorry, but I'm only human..and I'd have to be a machine to read -let alone reply!!- to the 700+ unread msg's that accumulated in one months time. So the snowball effect is in full effect. note my blog on writing you back.)

My Interests

atex fashions and artistic visions, having a sense of humor, high class trash fashion, drawing- painting n making graphics, street art, djing, kick ass graphic design, kitties, titties and puppies, horror movies, beer, zombies, electronic music...... and more beer.

I'd like to meet:

this year is my last year in school. i have experience working at mattel on winx club. i would really like to relocate to phoenix, working with anything creative.


I'm an 80's music fan now, although oddly enough I didn't really listen to much of the main stream 80's music until now. It kind of stimulates my brain back to another world. I find it makes me smile. Most of the music I listened to back in the day was angry &; well...angry...Ha! but today I can also be caught listening to just about anything depending on my mood. I'm listening lately to a mixture of Fergie, Depeche Mode, Ne-yo, The Killers, Elvis Costello, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nelly Furtado, The Jam, Coldplay, Dido, Motorcycle, Marvin Gaye, Nirvana, Blue Oyster Cult, Sex Pistols and some old R &; B. In 1980 I was a punk, so hearing alternative radio stations playing, PIL, The Addicts, Generation X, even hearing the Plimsouls for christs sake freaks me out. Vice Squad was one of my favorite bands, oh Bondage...up yours!!!. It just doesn't seem that long ago that I was seeing the Dead Kennedy's, Fear, or even sneaking in the The Whiskey to see the Dickies, or going downtown to see Blackflag...Ugh..I'm dating myself now...sigh... And Social D is still touring..gotta love that! You know what I love...that a song can bring back a memory so vividly! Papa was a rolling stone...reminds me of when I was young and this chick got stabbed a few houses down from where I lived...the song was playing on the radio when I ran in the house after seeing her stomach all bloody, I think I was 5? Baby baby fallin in love...reminds me of the beach and young lovers kissing...a cool neighbor chick that was older than me took me with her to the beach to meet up with older friends of hers they listened to music &; made out...I watched and played in the sand...I was 7? Any Kiss song... reminds me of my first concert I was 11, Cheap Trick opened for them at The Forum. Sex Pistols, Crass, The Addicts, Crongen, Vice squad, Exploited, Blackflag, Fear, Gen X, The Dickies, X, Dead Kennedy's...ahhhhhhhh the rebel poor Mother... Stevie Nicks....her songs calm me...they make me remember a time when I really needed to slow down and be ahhhhh shall we say healthier...ok healthy at all) ha! Hmmmmmmm I should really Thank her one of these days..It's amazing I'm still alive when i take a look down memory lane sometimes...good thing most of those times are blurry! These days I can pretty much listen to anything and it will effect my state of mind...I think that's cool!


ZOOLANDER!, Big Lebowski, Elizabeth, Ju-On, City of lost children, the devil's backbone, elizabeth, fifth element, aliens, delicatessen, Amelie, fight club, The Royal Tenenbaums, Transformers, The Boondock Saints, Session 9, The Eye, Hackers (yes it's cheesie), titus, 12 monkeys, tank girl (even though it's not the 'best' movie), Hero, Napoleon Dynamite, OfficeSpace, House of Flying daggers, Sin City, Shaun of the Dead, in the mouth of madness, Kill bill(s), das experiment, the machinist, uzumaki, three extremes, 40yr old virgin, anchor man,


I really dislike most TV, but i get sucked into it. History channel specials on religion, etc. Discovery Channel specials/investigations, FAMILY GUY--but FUTURAMA is my fave. Invader Zim is my new cartoon of choice. I like watching Friends & Sex and the City for hours. hehe.


Murder mysteries by Robert B. Parker, J.D. Robb, Sue Grafton, Marcia Muller, Da Vinci Code, anything Anne Rice, gossip &; fashion magazines and comic books, ( anything published by Top Cow Productions that's written, created, or pencilled by Marc Silvestri,, I also like Sandman, Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho &; PVP by Scott Kurtz). I'm reading "Heal your life" by Louise hay right now.


Pshhh! Heroes? Puleez! I don't think I have any "heroes"....other than my beautiful, amazing Mother & even more amazing Grandmother. They made me, and they saved my life. Other than those two forces in my life & my best friends, I don't think I have "heroes" so much as much as influences. I do look up to Debbie Harry from Blondie. She's inspired so much. She also is a big part of 80's musical history...I aspire to make such an impact as she has. All those Chicks that did their own thing...