bellbottomz profile picture


Repeat after me: It's perfectly fine to be a happy individual.

About Me

I truly love music but I simply do not have the time to preview every band or artist that sends an add request. I will try and give you a listen if you send me an email first. At least that way I know that you took the two seconds to read my profile. Thank you.I'm a stay at home mom and I love it. I am convinced that in another life, I was a rock star. I love my platform shoes, bellbottoms, and I'm addicted to My Space. I am really into mod culture, but you probably wouldn't know it from looking at me. Happy Bunny cracks me up. I can be really shy, but once you approach me, you'll find you can't shut me up! I'm a former New Yorker and it definitely shows. I'm incredibly short but I am who I am because of it. Watching people fall is the funniest thing ever. I'm into music and fashion and anything groovy. I have more shoes and bags than one woman really needs; I believe in the healing powers of retail therapy. My nose is probably my best feature. I can be both insanely laid back or high maintenance, depending on how the stars are aligned. I try to be honest all the time but sometimes people really push it. I can keep a secret. I am loyal to a fault. I don't normally believe that men and women can be friends, but I've been proven wrong. Sometimes, I curse too much. I'm pretty sure I was born in the wrong decade. I know it's goofy, but sometimes I believe in astrology. I think it's my right to change my mind at any time. I've worked in the music industry several times, only to end up grossly disappointed EVERY TIME. I don't think I need to post my picture on the net for every Tom, Dick and Harry psycho-stalker to see: the shoe says it all. I love to laugh. I love my husband. My daughter rocks my world. Love really is all you need.
You are a Go-Go Girl! Yay you!
You Are a Chick Rocker!
You're living proof that chicks can rock You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas And when you rock, you rock hard (Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!) What Kind of Rocker Are You?
Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
You're Betty Grable!
You're the high fashion trendsetter. You're
confident, independent, outgoing, and love
attention. You might become a star one day. All
the girls like to follow in your foot steps
because you're so cool, fashionable, and don't
care about anything. You make the rules, never
follow. But please be sure not to act bitchy.
That could be bad. But keep the attitude.
That's what makes you, you.
Take the quiz: "Which famous movie kiss are you?"

Breakfast At Tiffany's
You are the Breakfast At Tiffany's kiss!

You Are Boy Shorts!

You're stylish, trendy, but not over the top. You know how to look good - without looking like you're trying too hard. Men think that you're cute, friendly, and approachable. And you've got a spunky, fiesty side that comes out after a while!
What Kind of Panties Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
You are the Rebellious Angel. You're every parent's
nightmare. You're a free spirit and anarchy is
your specailty. Although your personallity is
unique, try not to get too out of hand.
Which Angel Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Regina George
Which Mean Girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are Glam Sexy

You live for flaunting your sexiness, and you totally work it. Why not? You've got the goods - you might as well use them. You're 100% woman, and you never go out without looking your best. After all, you never can tell when you might bump into Mr. Perfect! What Kind of Sexy Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Love.You love life, you love all those around you and
the world that you live in. You are happiest
when you are doing something for someone else
or for the common good of mankind.
You Are 60% Girly
You're a little girly, a little boyish, and probably a whole lot indie.
You have your own unique style, and it pretty much defies gender lines. How Girly Are You?
You are White Chocolate
You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.
Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.
You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated! What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or
anything. You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Get your layout at

My Interests

My interests are many and varied! To be brief: Family & friends - my daughter is my life. Retro Pop Culture (what gave me away?), Shopping, Fashion, Make-up, Music, Movies, Dancing, Reading, the 'Net, TV ('specially the Retro stuff,) Hello Kitty and Happy Bunny. The list goes on and on...

I'd like to meet:

Nice people?! :) I'm always looking to meet cool people with similar interests. A sense of humor is always a plus. I will not, however, add anyone under 18 (I don't want to be responsible for the corruption of a minor.) Thanks for visiting my profile! Mmmmmwah!


These days I'm really into girl bands and women who rock. Other favorites depend on my mood and include the following (this week): ABBA, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Bryan Adams, Bo Bice, Bon Jovi, Beatles, Bowie, Bowling for Soup, Michelle Branch, The Cars, Cheap Trick, Kelly Clarkson, Sheryl Crow, Danger Danger, Def Leppard, The Donnas, Duran Duran, ELO, Extreme, Faster Pussycat, Foreigner, Go- Go's, Goo Goo Dolls, Green Day, Hall & Oates, Heart, Don Henley, Hole, Jackson 5, Jellyfish, Jet, Joe Jackson, Journey, Kiss, Kix, LA Guns, Avril Lavigne, Madonna, Matchbox 20, Metallica, Eddie Money, Alanis Morissette, Motley Crue, Mr. Big, Mr. Reality, My Chemical Romance, Night Ranger, NIN, Nirvana, No Doubt, Oasis, The Outfield, Ozzy, Pink, Poison, Priest, Prince, Queen, Queensryche, Quiet Riot, Ratt, The Refreshments, Scorpions, Skid Row, Simple Plan, Soul Asylum, Billy Squier, Gwen Stefani, Tesla, Van Halen, John Waite, Warrant, Weezer, The Who.


The cheesier, the better! Comedies, dramas, musicals...I love them all! And I love a good chick flick and a really good cry. I can sit and watch The Warriors, Titanic, Clerks and Xanadu in one day if I actually had the time. I just have too many favorites to list at the moment. I know I'm an oddball, but Gene Kelly is one of my favorite stars ever.


I live for the programming on Nick at Night and TV Land! Desperate Housewives, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Raymond, King of Queens, American Idol, That '70's Show, Survivor, Friends, Grease: You're the One That I Want, The Apprentice, AMC, OLTL, GH, South Park, The Simpsons, Spongebob, Family Guy, Sex & the City, Rock Star: INXS/Supernova, My Name is Earl, How I Met Your Mother, The Class, Sons & Daughters (R.I.P.) & BBCA shows like Coupling and Father Ted.


I used to be an enormous book snob, but I learned it really didn't benefit me (or anyone else for that matter!) These days I'll read anything if I can stay awake long enough. Genres I'm into lately include chick lit, mysteries, bios and autibiographies. I am always in the middle of reading *something.* I love to learn something new.


My husband, my daughter and my mother - a woman who is a true survivor.

You Are 44% Indie
You're pretty indie, but you don't make a fuss letting everyone know.
You just do what you like. You enjoy many types of things - from trendy to bizarre. How Indie Are You?

My Blog

Blogs Deleted

So I decided to delete my blogs today.  There weren't too many, but honestly, I couldn't figure out for the life of me why anyone would really care about what I think about things anyway - includ...
Posted by bellbottomz on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 03:16:00 PST