::I Luv U:: profile picture

::I Luv U::

What are men really good for?.............. Not a damn thing!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ummmmmmmmmm Lets see, Nobody from Myspace this is not a Dating Site


The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: Dont you know already
Age?: 19
Sex?: Female
Birth Date?: December 19 1987
Hair Color?: Dark Brown
Eye Color?: Dark Brown
Height?: 5'7
Weight?: buck and some change
Body Type?: More to love lol
Piercings?: Only my ears
Tattoos?: No
What are you wearing right now?: Bermuda shorts and a tank top
Hair style at the moment?: Out
* Favorites *
Soda?: Dont like soda
Food?: I love freash fruits and meat lol oh yeah I cant live a day without chocolate
Drink?: Water
Alcoholic Drink?: No
Time of day?: 8:05 pm
Season?: Winter
Day of the week?: Thursday
Song at the moment?: Mr.Loverman
Band/Artist?: Dont have
Book?: The coldes winter ever and Blossom
Subject in school?: Lunch
Place in the USA?: New York
Place outside the USA?: Any island in the Caribbean
Color?: Pink
Style of clothes?: Somethin sexy but comfortable
Store?: The Chocolate Factory
Mall?: Definetly not the Palisades
City?: New York
Website?: Whaddat.com Afrodes.org
Magazine?: The Source ,Vibe( and the other typical negro magazines lol)
Kind of pet?: Cats
* Worst *
Place to be?: Work
Class in school?: Math
Time of dayr?: Anytime at work
Season?: Winter
Kind of pet?: Dogs they remind me of men
Drink?: Soda
Food?: Beets
Mall?: Palisades
Store?: Ummmm too many to name
Style of clothes?: Hoochie looking
Celebrity?: All of them
Color?: Orange
Book?: Riding Down the Banister by Dick Burns
Type of music?: Country
Website?: Myspace ( yes I said it, this site is too addicting)
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: About 5:30 am
What is your first thought?: Who called me last night?
What do you do first?: Go to the bathroon
What's your usual outfit?: Something comfortable and presentable,
What's the first class of the day?: History
When does school end?: Sometimes in may
Do you see your friends?: Often
What do you do when you get home?: Sleep
What time do you go to bed?: It depends
* Do you...*:
Brush your teeth daily?: Yes
Brush your hair daily?: Yes but right now I need a perm
Shower daily?: Yes
Sing?: Only by myself but if I find that special someone I may turn him out with my vocal skills (Im talking about singing)
Dance?: Yes I love to dance
Party?: Yes ( I havent been to a good house party lately, clubs are too over rated)
Get drunk?: No thats not me
Have sex?: No
Read books?: Yes
Listening to music a lot?: Of course Im listening to it now as Im doing this survey
Read magazines?: No I look at the pics
Go online a lot?: Too much
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: No thats horrible who does that?
Have a religion?: Yes
Have an IPod?: Yes
Want an IPod?: I have one
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: No comments ( lets just say I have a significant other lol)
Play an instrument?: I use to play the flute
Get sick a lot?: Oh no that dont sound right, get sick a lot ill thats nasty, thats why I keep my legs closed
Watch TV?: Yes
Like MTV?: Yes Bet is better
Like VH1?: VH1 Soul is better!
Like the History Channel?: Yes
Have Digital Cable?: Yes
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: Yes (but what are they good for)
Listen to the radio?: Yes ( I gots to listen to Wendy Williams)
Still use your CD player?: What are those ( Oh I did when they were hot 5 years ago)
Stalk people?: No
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: No
Have dial-up internet?: Yes and its sad!
Have AOL?: Yes
Know HTML?: WTF is that
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: I wish
Get H's in honors classes?: Pigs will fly if I ever go to honor classes
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: Yes ( Biggie Jay-Z etc)
R & B?: Yes I love those slow jams
Blues and/or Jazz?: Neither
Classical?: No
Pop?: Yes
Country?: No
Emo/Scremo?: WTF is that
Heavy Metal?: NOOOOOOO
Christian?: Gospel
Techno?: Maybe
Reggae?: Yes ( I dont care for the new Dancehall, I miss the old stuff like Shabba,Patra,Scare dem crew, Buju banton) The new Dancehall is too over rated. Yes I said It!
Broadway Musical songs?: Not really
Oldies?: Yes ( I love that 'Baby Making Music')
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: Dark
Eye color?: Dark
Tattoos?: Dont matter
Piercings?: Dont matter
Favorite Music?: I could care less
Style of clothing?: Whatever he likes
Body Type?: Skinny guys fall back, I love a guy with a thick athletic body, that turns me on 5'10 and up 185-225 (im not into fat guys)Only Rueben cause he looks like a teddy bear.
Personality or Looks?: I have to like what I see ( but your peronsality has to be on point. I hate concited guys and guys that dont know how to treat women)
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: No Im not a Gold Digger!
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: Hell on
Does size matter?: Yes it does!
Do they have to be popular?: What is popularity? Someone who walks around with their head up their ass! So the answer is no, just be you boo and im gonna love you more!
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: What ever fits you, If you like something you see go after it, but be respectful if they dont like you in return(go on to the next person)
Where do you go on the first date?: It would be special I would cook him some of my home cook food (he will be addicted to it! He would love it more than sex lol im serious) after that I want walk around the park
Kiss on the first date?: Yes if the lips is right ( I love the kissing game)
Sex on the first date?: No
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: No I feel fat lol
Are you eating something?: No
Are you drinking something?: No
Are you IMing anyone?: No
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No
Are you talking face to face with someone?: How would I be doing that when Im doin this survey
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: I hope not
What song are you listening to?: love Takes Time
What are you watching on TV?: The Parkers
What other websites do you have open?: Only myspace
Why are you taking this survey?: Im bored
Where are you going to post it?: On Myspace
What are you going to do after this?: Take a shower
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Im not sure but I recall, when Anna Nicole Smith said she had sex with one, I think everyone should have sex with ghosts, people would stop going on Maury for paternity test
The afterlife?: Heaven yes and I hope to be up there with my family
Aliens?: I seen some MoFo's that look like some would that count?
God?: Yes all the way
The devil?: I know a lot of devils people at school work etc
Heaven?: Yes
Hell?: I been there
Scientology?: Ummmmmm
Hinduism?: Dont discrimate on others religions
Buddhism?: Dont discrimate on others religions
Christianity?: All the way. Where my Christians at?
Taoism?: What
Judism?: Dont discrimate on others religions
Jesus?: Yes I love Jesus?
Nothing?: When Im bored
Reincarnation?: No
Yourself?: Yes
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: Yes
Where were you going?: Florida
Have you been to another country?: Yes
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: I would not consider freinds just people who fucked up a good vacation!
Have you ever partied in another country?: No I wish
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: Does going to the mall or each others house count?
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: Yes ( I have no life)
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: No If I like you im gonna respect you but if I dont care for you lets just keep it moving
Talked about someone behind their back?: Only said positive things
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: Yes ( but I take that as a compliment, if your going out of your way to talk about me, then I know I must be important)
Been in a fight online?: Yes
Been in a fight face to face?: Way back
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: No
Been called a bitch?: Yes
Been called a slut/whore?: No
Been to Australia?: No but I would love to go in the future to visti the Aboriginies and meet Bindi
Do you like snakes?: I Love snakes , but not the animals
Ever cried to get your own way?: Yes we all have
Ever broken a bone?: I broken plenty of bones lol J/P (get your minds out the gutter)
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: No
Ever had serious surgery?: No
Ever looked a porn online?: Yes the best sites are www.Onionbooty.com www.Popozudas.net and www.Brazilbang.com lol You asked so im gonna keep it real
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: No are the hiring? I would love to work at one
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: No
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: No
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: No is it really worth it.
Ever been on stage for any reason?: Yes I have
Ever been in a play?: Yes I was Cinderella
Ever been in a choir?: No
Ever been in a band?: No
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: The flute
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: Im getting one for my christmas gift
Waxed your eyebrows?: Yes I have too
Waxed your legs?: No Im hairless in that area
Cut yourself shaving?: Yes
Have you ever died?: WTF kind of question is that
Was this survey an good at all?: Yes it was worth it
What time is it right now?: 8:54 P.M
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