i love dancing and singing + acting of course this is my passion
well i love music with a passion...but i have gone off mainstream stuff..it just all seems the same and rather dull.....
underground is the way to go:P
Getting to Know Me...
Name Anna
Nickname What ever comes to mind 1st
Birthdate 23.04.89
Birthplace treorky rhondda valleys
Hometown warrington i guess
Eye Color & Hair Color brown hazel....dark brown with bleach tips
Height & Weight 5..'2 and 9 and a half stone
Occupation / School left and getting a job
Righty or Lefty both stronger on me right at the min
Heritage loads of things
Favorite Color terquoise anything bright
Favorite Animal cats
Favorite TV Show / Movie nah comedy please
Favorite Cartoon warner brothers...
Favorite Song anything with the funk
Favorite Sport aerobics
Favorite Actor / Actress funny man - madam
Favorite Musician the talentless sometimes
Favorite Athlete .....great dame to you
Favorite Comedian ......me? when im not trying ...... make me spit out ma tea and ill love you
Favorite Food not very fussed as long as its been washed
Favorite Drink glug.....sorry what....alcohol hehe
Favorite Number 13 unlucky.....not for me
Favorite School Subject run around music creativity *clang* you bastard
Favorite Clothing i want to out bawl you haha *stunning* mwwha
Favorite Book the one im reading
Favorite Snack Food smack? lol nahr i just eat breakfast and lunch and tea me
Favorite Season romantic seasons autum and spring
Hobby entertaining and singing
Talent kissing.....singing?
Age of first kiss 16
Age you lost your virginity 16
Age you got married lmao not yet
Age you had your first kid whoa....no not yet
Have you ever been drunk yers lol
Have you ever gotten high ....kinda on the way
Have you ever been arrested nahr
Have you ever been in a fight yer
Have you ever been in an accident yers
Fears dark
Most important possession(s) ill state four things:- me, mysel
Pet Peeve
Number of Tattoos
Number of Piercings well 2 +1 gettin nose done again :)
Best quality im not sure you need 2 address that 1...when you do know send it to me 1st class please :P
Best physical trait
In the opposite sex...
Cute or Sexy cute = sexy
Taller or Shorter my kinda size please
Lips or Eyes eyes
Petite or Big broad
Sweet or Caring caring
Easygoing or Serious easy going
Sensitive or Loud sensitive
Thoughts on...
Abortion changed my mind on that.....
Gay Marriage go for it
Gun Control still not keen
God maybe.....maybe not
Aliens heaven knows
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this is my freind jack :P :D
his band lol
there fuckin ace, check them out
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I'd like to meet:
i would love to meet some chinese guys or asian :)
that would be nice
i was brought up on jazz and blues and some soul (i used 2 jump aboput on ma mothers bed 2 oatis readin hell yea like solid haha i got black eyes..!!)....later on i was introduced 2 reggee well and old (proper rnb)and then pop came in2 my life ill admit the 1st cd i bought was britney spears 1st album..(sucks dosnt it?)
well then i became realli in2 newish rnb ..alicia keys and mary jane blige...i was guilty for likein..
then ska came properli in2 my life when i started performin classic like 'big spender'
with that i started diggin around 4 old jazz songs and ska...i came across industerial underground music
but also this is when punk music became heavily involved in my life
i love industrial and light punk heavy ska and jazz +blues..pop ri[p it up and clash it wid a bit of punk n ska...now theres a song id like 2 hear :P
well i have decided 2 write down all the unsigned music i like...lol
odd socks
ugly radio
charlie sez
blue demon
sick minds
roughkneck riots
kamizazie sperm
sex pistols (but only when johnny rotten was in it)
johnny rotten
towers of london
uk subs
the singers
the bands
the singers
the bands
eploited bodyrox vid
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Created by Bart King
i love that new modelin program hosted by kelly osborne where they have 2 make the clothes for the models..FANTASTIC!
desprete housewives
sex and the city
ugly betty
baby borrowers
a few more when i can recall :P
romeo and juliet...
secret garden
nearli all of roal dahls
alot of books by alan garner
5 children and it....(before they brought out that bad animation film:P)
billy joelle
alot of shakespears stuff
some dick king smith
harry potter - ofcourse
anne hathaway books .....amazin..gotta read the 1s anne of greengables....and the continues..ace!
erm the'lazy' way 2 learn welsh..got bored of that
erm secrets of the face
wiccan books...
old kiddies books like 'jackline wilson' lol
erm of course narnia books..awazin books
horoscopes - if they count..well it was a book based on them :P
what not 2 wear lol..lmao its funny in the comedy way :P
click here for free layouts!fuck heroes....
all you need is yourself and a train ticket lol yea! :P
(cant wait untill i can drive like properly :P)!!