Greatest movie of all time: 2001 a space odyssey!other works of genius include: 2012 the year we made contact, the matrix trillogy, every starwars film eccept episode 1, anything by stanley kubrick, every alien film eccept AvP (dont get me started), every predator film eccept AvP, cube (ive never had to work so hard at a film in my life!), hypercube (which i'm still working on) and loads more i cant be arsed to write down at the mo........
HitchHikers guide to the galaxy which is probbably the best work of fiction (or is it?) in the known universe. The autobiography and biography of marylin manson and bill hicks respectiveley, two if the cleverest ppl to ever walk the earth! anything by dan brown (catholic bashing conspiracy theory goodness). Lucifer (a worryingly clever and well written take on the appocalypse). And Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (which is probbably the cleverest book ever written by a westener!!!!) and plenty of others i cant be arsed to remember right now............
Marvin the paranoid android