Emsch profile picture


What the hell is going on around here?

About Me

i hang out somewhere in between easy-going, whimsical, ironic, analytical, demanding, spunky, sweet and strong. terrible nintendo player but a fan nonetheless. pretty good with a tennis racket, for an R.A. patient. haven't (willingly) watched television in 4 years--something to do with thinking too much :).

i've been in the ville since '01. it's a mixed bag: some non-corporate coolness and pockets of creative liberalism, but the rest is just a little too red. i've been frustrated yet fascinated with the culture clashes i find here, within both the city and myself. i heart anthropology. (sad but true.) considering grad school, maybe austin.

My Interests

music, movies, politics (local or global), ripping on my friends (but only to their faces), anthro, hiking, shakin my ass, trying to outsmart poverty.

I'd like to meet:

your mom


indie poprock and blues. latest plays: modest mouse, citizen cope, guster, beck, the shins, whitest boy alive, band of horses, vienna tang. old standbys: jack johnson, leo kottke, radiohead, green day, beatles, ani d, howlin' wolf, billie holiday and some non-proselytizing bluegrass.


k, this won't be brief... breakfast at tiffany's, fight club, batman begins, clerks, life is beautiful, all of m knight's films, when harry met sally, naussica valley of the wind, heaven, the matrix, star wars, indiana jones, amelie, fifth element, charlie's angels, harry potter, (both) transformers, bladerunner, alien, fargo, city of lost children, serenity, north by northwest, i wake up screaming, sabrina, swing time, x-men, the life of brian, dark crystal, muppets from space, wedding singer, eddie murphy's delirious, eddie izzard's dress to kill, secret window, crouching tiger hidden dragon, walk the line, blues brothers, stranger than fiction.


when i get around to renting them... south park, west wing, ergo proxy, buffy, wonder woman, battlestar gallactica, will & grace, animaniacs, alias, sex & the city. of course daily show. recent affair with heroes.


reading now: darwin's radio by greg bear and anansi boys by neil gaiman. best ever: martian chronicles. standard favs are jitterbug perfume by tom robbins, solitaire by kelley eskridge, envisioning power by eric wolf, and anything else linking power, change and culture.

My Blog

film fest

here's the link to the reviews of the bluegrass film festival that daniel and i wrote: http://festblogs.blogspot.com/2007/09/bluegrass-film-festiva l.html good times. ...
Posted by Emsch on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 09:40:00 PST


i have a new J.O.B.!!  starting aug 27, i'll be an account rep for an advertising co here in louisville.  woohoo!...
Posted by Emsch on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:23:00 PST

call me old & ill kick your shins

had a pretty damned good birthday. spoiled suits me... just ask ryan.   lots of love & attention this weekend (as well as gifts in the form of jewels, toys and cash--woohoo!). ...
Posted by Emsch on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 12:16:00 PST

effing siblings, man

christ almighty, my sis is driving me insane.  rraaaarrrrghghhghg.  (cough) excuse me.  i meant RRRAAAARRRRAAAGGGGRRRR! better. i just want to goof off w/ ryan, analyze transformers w...
Posted by Emsch on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 12:25:00 PST

i don't wanna grow up

dammit, i keep forgetting i'm supposed to be too old to be silly.  i just had one of those days today where, for whatever reason, i didn't... reign it in.  i'm not hyper, not manic, just too...
Posted by Emsch on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:46:00 PST

much babbling

oh... so.. tired...  must.. speak... like... 1960's Batman... reaching for utility belt... while ensnared in netting...  i've been helping with outreach programs in schools--tiring but ...
Posted by Emsch on Wed, 16 May 2007 05:03:00 PST


i left my book in san francisco.  i was just looking over my page (on lame patrol... sirens...), and i realized that the book i profiled is MIA--it probably got bored on the plane and ...
Posted by Emsch on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:27:00 PST

tired but good

what's up this week:  river-front view of thunder over louisville, started new program at work re: literacy rates, set up a new show for ryan's artwork, scored second job for vacation c...
Posted by Emsch on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:15:00 PST

san fran

hell yes.  i booked a trip to san francisco w/ my friend daniel.  we're going over derby weekend, and it's going to be freaking sweet.  daniel is celebrating his 30th b-day, and i'm goi...
Posted by Emsch on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:05:00 PST


glad to see the boys stopped by. i've since cute-ified the site. saw some faces on rh's page that made me smile. hope all is well. a good chunk of my day today was spent in line, but i...
Posted by Emsch on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:36:00 PST