TJ profile picture

About Me

my life, so simple, but meaningful.READ THIS... comment of my frend about me... " mr. leonardo to be formal..he's sweet and a lil bit of naughty inside. since young he really looks gorgeous nd smart.. but not as smart as me.. ""smileys"" he seems to be a mama's boy.. but he's not ""wink"" its just he's sweet..and he doesnt want to be a pain in head lyk me.. ""smileys" but now, he really changed.. more matured and well disciplined guy.. have at unfamiliar attitude unlike with oder guys out der, hus only trip is to kip hopin and bumpin evrywr.. and get even more sweeter, dan b4.. he nver 4gats say how he mises us so bad.. not like my oder frends, dey say deyr olwys der but deyr if like a crazy lunatic gurl is askn 4help but still havent been notice cuz dey olways thmselves 2be VERY BUSY even if deyr not.. but now i knw, hus my real frends are..those hu doesnt nid 2b ask 2 come but still deyr... dats it.. frm:_cherilicious * thanks to those who hated me, u made me a stronger person...* thanks to those who loved, u made my heart grow fonder..* thanks to those who envied me, u made my self esteem grow stronger* thanks to those who cared, u made me feel important...* thanks to those who entered my life, u made me who i am today... thanksto those who left, u showed me that nothing lasts forever...* thanks to those who stayed, u showed me the true meaning of "friendship"...

" iF i cOuLd haVe juSt One wiSh i wOuLd wiSh tO waKe Up eVeryDay tHe sOund Of yOur bReath On My neCk tHe waRmth Of yOur Lips On My CheeK%D%AtHe tOuCh Of yOur finGeRs On My bOdy%D?nD tHe feeL Of yOur heaRt bReatHin Of MiNe%D%AknOWin tHat i cOuld neVer Find tHat feeLing%D%AWith anyOne Other tHan yOu"..........

Guys, if u wanna add me up BOUT ME?? - The Survey

Birthday: 01/03/87
birthplace:Cabanatuan City eye Color: black
Hair Color: black
AHeight: 5'7"half
Right Handed or Left Handed: left Handed
Your Heritage: filipino
The Shoes You Wore Today: rusty
Your Fears: heights
Your Perfect Pizza: hawaiian
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: finish my studies
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: what the fuck?!?!
Thoughts First Waking Up: hehe... Your Best Physical Feature: eyes and lips uhmmm...hehe (killing)
Your Bedtime: past 12mn
Your Most Missed Memory: highschool days
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: mcdo, love ko to!
Single or Group Dates: both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: c2 Green Tea
chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla....
cappuccino or Coffee: i have tried Cappuccino
do you Smoke: sometimes do you Sing: yes
do you Shower Daily: twice a day
Have you Been in Love: of course! silly!
do you want to go to College: still in college
do you want to get Married: of course
do you belive in yourself: OF COURSE!
do you think you are Attractive: some of my friends told me! lolz
do you get along with your Parents: yes
do the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
%D%AIn the past month have you gone to a Mall: YES
%D?ver been Drunk: YES
%D?ver been called a Tease: YES! hehe
ever been Beaten up: NOPE! no one dare to!
%D?ver Shoplifted: NO WAY! %D%AHow do you want to Die: peacefully What do you want to be when you Grow Up: i think i have achieved what i want
%D?avourite Eye Color: light brown
favourite Hair Color: anything
Short or Long Hair: Long Hair (girl)
Height: 5'5" above at least
%D%AWeight: normal, CHUBBY TYPE
%D?est Clothing Style: casual, pants and shirt
%D%ANumber of CDs I own: a lot!
Number of Piercings: ONE (earpiece)
Number of things in my Past I Regret: i don't regret everything situation.
but, surely i have learned a lot of lessons from it .%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A ....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Who I Want to Meet:

" iF i cOuLd haVe juSt One wiSh

i wOuLd wiSh tO waKe Up eVeryDay

tHe waRmth Of yOur Lips On My CheeK

tHe tOuCh Of yOur finGeRs On My bOdy

nD tHe feeL Of yOur heaRt bReatHin Of MiNe

knOWin tHat i cOuld neVer Find tHat feeLing

With anyOne Other tHan yOu"..........


♣ acOuStic sOngs
♣ aLterNativE

♣ pOp
♣ rOcK
♣ rEmIx
♣ bEsT R&b hIts



♣ Survivor
♣ Temptation Island
♣ Ripley's
extra challenge
fear factor


" jUdGe nOt,anD yOu shaLL nOt Be jUdGed ConDemN nOt,anD yOu shaLL nOt Be cOnDemNed fOrgiVe,anD yOu shaLL nOt Be fOrgiVen giVe,anD iT shaLL Be giVen To yOu" fOr With tHe Same measure that yOu uSe On otHers, sO shaLL iT Be uSed tO meaSure yOu".............


for me?! well, i considered my parents as the heroes of my life! i cant imagine myself without them.. i owe a lot my life to them. and i willing to give all of me.. and i believed there's a purpose why do i exist in this world, its because god's will.. now, im still seeking for a truth, its unpredictable, mysterious and questionable...